Booking Up My Ideas

Nozza!Pottering through a well-known bookshop not too long ago, I had to stop and look at a book called Vanished Kingdoms which tells the histories of such forgotten duchies, kingdoms, empires and republics such as Rosenau, Sabaudia, Rusyn and Alt Clud.  Somehow I managed to avoid picking it up and introducing it to the swirling pool of books that I own and must read and it has instead joined the bottomless pit of my ‘wish list’.

Rather than find all my bits of paper, which I like to compile as it is seen as quaint by people into all of today’s technology, I decided to look at my Amazon wish list, last updated on Christmas Eve.  Exactly how I found the time on such a busy day I do not know as I remember the day clearly,  still there needs to be some mystery in the world I suppose.

Having culled 200 odd books off of said list sometime last year, the result now stands at 26 pages and 633 books still standing, that I  desire to read at some point (soon) in my life.  The list stretches back to 2005 and has, as you would expect of me, some diverse reading matter such as Lord Dufferin, John Wyndham, Dava Sobel, Flaubert and Kierkegaard to name some of the more well-known. Lets not  forget The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr Morris Lessmore or the many books have been recommended by you fine bloggers over the years, of which there have been many.

Rather than just taking a trip down memory lane, which is usually a nice thing, it has brought up the annoying thoughts that I will never be able to read all the books I wish too.  Even if I had a life of leisure, I couldn’t fit them all in, just saying I did though, this mortality would prevent me from rereading all of my favourite books again, it leaves me somewhat perplexed as to how to approach the whole situation.

Is it better to just live in ignorance and have pleasant surprises or to have reams of books that I stare at hoping one day to read them all whilst safe in the knowledge that I am buying books I do want.  Perhaps I am over thinking the whole situation and really I should just go wherever in my reading adventure as it will be as unique as yours.  It’s like the biggest Choose You Own Adventure book ever and nobody ever wins.

This little reflection has made me more determined than ever to read an excessive amount books, which is always a good thing as well as to get on with reviewing, some as well which it is high time I did.   A brief stop for today’s stage of the Tour de France and then I will be right back onto reading and also giving you the same conundrum as myself by stimulating your book buying urges.  it seems I am part of the problem after all, it is good to have choice though, that’s my argument and I’m sticking into it…so there.  Now excuse my whilst I try out this new fangled music things called Spotify that I promised to look at a year or so ago.



57 Replies to “Booking Up My Ideas”

  1. Ah, but Ste J, I have yet another book which (I suspect, knowing your self-advertized proclivities of being both a reading man and a drinking man) you will be unable to pass up at least adding to your list. I was intrigued when I saw the title, so I browsed a bit into the substance. It’s called “The History of the World in Six Glasses,” the glasses purporting to be beer, wine, spirits, coffee, tea, and cola. As the writer noted, the first three are alcohol-related, the latter three are caffeine-related (and as far as I’m concerned, they could’ve mostly left the last one off). I’m hoping for the sake of anyone reading it that it’s a witty read and not just a boring trip from there to here and then to now in a glass, but I couldn’t resist (seeing the mention of “Vanished Kingdoms” above) to appeal to your constant and innate curiosity. Will he go for it, folks, or won’t he? Only time will tell.


    1. Ooo, it does sound fascinating, I read your phrase innate curiosity as inane curiosity which sometimes is always accurate. I agree the cola could have been avoided but then again where would we be if we didn’t mention the sugared ‘heaven’. I am definitely up for this!


  2. OK, Ste J, I don’t know if I ever mentioned on your blog THE FANTASTIC FLYING BOOKS OF MR. MORRIS LESSMORE since I’ve recommended it SO many times, but this is a NO-BRAINER, baby!!! It’s a picture book, so it’s short. Easy to fit in and, without question, one of THE BEST! You can also enjoy WATCHing the award-winning short film based on it. A MUST SEE, imo 🙂

    http :// www .youtube. com/watch?v=m0ReBeGc_IU

    And all we bibliophiles share your plight : / It’s a bittersweet dilemma, for sure. I want to be SURROUNDED by books–ones I want to read (which is countless since there are so many I’ll never even be aware of!), and wish to be able to read them all telepathically since life is, quite sadly—WAY too short! *sigh*


    1. I had no idea there was a film of TFFBoMML, I will watch it…but I must read the book first as is my way. I suppose it is a sacrifice all of us book lovers have to come to terms with…it does make me sad when I think of all the wonderful books I will never get my grasping hands on.


      1. Ste J, I get the “read first” thing ’cause I do it myself 🙂 The film that was made is so amazing, you’ll literally be “blown away” and once you read it, you’ll know why that’s in quotes 😉 Please move it to the very top of your reading list. It’s an easy one 🙂


  3. I do feel your pain, though it is rather a different set of circumstances I face. Though similar in the premise that I will never in my lifetime be able to write stories for all the notions that pop into my head, even if I were able to quit my 9-5er and write full time and it leaves me feeling, as it seems you do as well, an odd combination of despair and excited motivation to press on and prove myself wrong…or at least enjoy trying 😉 So read on, Dear Friend, and enjoy the improbability of it all 🙂


    1. I suppose it is best to just get on with it and experience as much as possible, you write and read, I’ll read and write and I’m sure we’ll meet up in the middle and cross paths. It is horrible to have ideas and no time…I’m looking forward to sulking whilst simultaneously indulging, that way I get to win and get pity looks as well, ha!


    1. Nothing yet but I have another interview coming up and I heard of another job today that sounds like it has potential as well.


      1. Would you find it insufferably nosy of me if I asked what it is that you are interviewing on? Just curious…which I guess does make me insufferable… feel free to decline 😉


        1. It was for a phone shop…the hours aren’t particularly good and since then I have started to come across (with no disrespect meant to the phone shop) better opportunities that have more hours going for them and would probably suit me more…so perhaps to be turned down would be a blessing, I will go with the flow and see what happens though.


          1. I wish you all good luck and godspeed with your job quest, but at the same time I am selfishly aware that it might take you away from your blogging and reading time….are you really SURE you need to sleep at night? Ha!


              1. Yes, as we all know, it’s all about me! Good luck with the job hunt (there may always be that knowledgeable clerk’s job at a bookstore just around the corner–that is, the job around the corner, not the bookstore, though that would be nice too, I’m guessing!).


                1. In this town, there is distinct lack of bookstores but I would be right good at that with my enthusiasm and as an added bonus, lycra cat suit!


                  1. What could be better than a cat suit? Everybody knows, cats go better with books than dogs do. I mean, look at it this way, if you’re reading and the cat has already eaten, all the cat wants to do is curl up on your lap while you read and be absent-mindedly stroked now and then, and fall asleep. You have nothing to fear unless you clench up physically at a gripping moment in your narrative, when you may feel some not-too-gentle claws warning you to sit still and not disrupt the “spa” moment. A dog, on the other hand, gets bored and gives you reproachful looks even when sitting by your fireplace or gas stove while you read. He will curl up and sort of doze off, especially if old enough, but by and large he’s sitting there wondering why you aren’t as fascinated as he is by the throwing and catching of sticks and balls and Frisbees, and why you won’t talk to him right now, or why you keep trying to get him not to bark at the the squirrels outside the window when you have a book in your hand. Yes, a cat suit is definitely better than appearing as Dogbert!


                    1. That was perhaps the most analytical blog comment I have ever received and special marks for it being more whimsical than a pond for of whims. I like dogs better because they like me more but I don’t have a doggy to annoy me and the cat is just miserable so we make sure we have separate chairs, just in case…I like the depths of your arguments though and will consider the whole surrounding of my reading experience hence…as long as it doesn’t get in the way of my reading too much!


                    2. About your liking dogs better than cats because they like you better: as a professor of mine (who loves his dog) once jestingly said, “Yeah, a dog is certainly better than a wife. Whose wife, after being locked for hours at night in the garage, would jump up and lick a guy’s face and hands when he came home, and be so excited to see him, and not even ask him where he had been?”


          2. I’ve often thought that might be a good job, if only because you’d meet so many people, but also quite challenging….because of those same people. LOL. You will land where you are meant to 🙂 I will send positive thoughts and energy your way ..can’t hurt 🙂


            1. I tend to like to avoid people mostly these days in my professional life but I will do anything at the moment…well not anything but you know what I mean. All energy and thoughts appreciated!


    1. It beats the despair aspect! So many possibilities in life, anything can happen, but probably not shoes that are forty foot high!


  4. I’ve never heard of any of those places. I bet you just made them up. And I agree, the lack of re-reading time is a concern. I worried over it just last night in fact. But I had forgotten about it until il you just reminded me, so I can’t have been too bothered. Alt Clud indeed.


    1. I was whispering in your ear whilst you slept telling you to forget, which was then rendered pointless by the post but that is why they (also) call me Stenigma. Alt Clud sounds like an Orc stronghold, which makes me want to read the book more now just in case that is exactly what it was.


      1. I totally agree, go with the flow. I believe everything happens for a reason. Yes, I wish I had the book published, but I also know that the reason why I haven’t would present itself to me. (Creative brain intuition – May be writing a post on this in the future). It’s because the site is advertised on the front cover and as I can no longer make changes to the site, it is far better to be able to create the site again, than to have old content on there, like a few of the pages. I will also have my Blog Trainer UK business that I can write a page about. The universe has worked its magic again, bless it!


  5. How in the world did you manage to resist Vanished Kingdoms? That looks like my kind of book and the only way I’d be able to avoid buying it would be if it was out of my book budget, which it is on Amazon. I know. I looked. 😦 I still have a wish list, but I rarely look at it, which of course defeats the purpose of having one. Right? 😕 I love browsing used book stores and finding some hidden treasure that intrigues and delights at first glance, regardless of whether I actually enjoy reading it later.


    1. When I get a job it will be a book I definitely go pick up, I’m cheap when it comes to celebrating my new found ‘wealth’. I like the idea of book lists as we don’t have to remember the books we add to them, or seldom look at them, it’s enough knowing it’s there if we need it. I agree with the book stores, sometimes it is just enough to have a book and flick through it, which is as close I get to embracing capitalism.


  6. Enchanting cover photos in your post, which weren’t near as much as your musings but I felt compelled to mention at any rate. Those books look intriguing, which shouldn’t be surprising as you always mange to intrigue us all with your book reviews/choices. It is a conundrum indeed to not have all the time to read and re-read all the great books. Perhaps, one could think of it more as all the ‘sayings’ about meeting certain people in our lives…maybe we meet books for special reasons…maybe they stay with us to relive their awesomeness or perhaps set down for dislike…or savored knowing their won’t be anymore by a certain author…

    That was my longwinded way of saying…perchance we only encounter the books we’re meant to, to shape and mold us much the same people who come into our lives and go again do…


    1. The Mr Lessmore book was one we spotted in your Fred Meyer’s just before Christmas, I think we were shopping for lights and other bits and bobs if memory serves. I like what you’re saying, almost as if the books choose us which really makes everything a little more abstract and that always pleases me. Looking at your point of view, I think I should perhaps enjoy my books a lot more, really savour them and that will help me get the most out of my experience. I accept your way of looking at things and will wholeheartedly embrace it with positive (and a little relieved) action.


  7. I second The History of the World in Six Glasses, a fun and interesting read. I had my students read the chapter on beer which they quite enjoyed….


    1. Hi, Letizia! I hope they had a “hands-on” or a “lab” at a local pub assigned along with their reading! Nothing like putting the “why” or “how” together with the “what.”


  8. I once saw a part of the film starring Bill Nighy. All the men in his family had the ability to travel back in time and he mainly used it to read all the books he ever wanted..several times.. Sigh..
    Sometimes I think, if one cannot read all the books one wants then there’s no point of despairing..
    Even if we had more time, and some more, it would be the same because there were/are/will always be so many great and interesting authors.

    And sometimes, these thoughts are not consoling at all.


    1. All we can do is our best…I blame you bloggers for making more joy for me by giving me new ideas for books to check out. I saw a trailer for that film but I never got around to watching it…I’d say there is still time but now I see the seconds falling away then maybe not when I have all these books to read. At lest I have good friends to suffer in my woes with.


      1. Bill Nighy is one of my favorite perplexed men. He seems to play that kind of character a lot, and it’s a real delight to watch him do it. I can just imagine him in the role Anna describes, and I’m sorry I never saw it.


        1. He is an incredibly versatile actor that man. The film should be easy to track down, if memory serves me correctly it came out last year.


  9. I enjoy your thoughts & the way you share them They make me smile.
    See —> 😀
    Have fun working on your list & enjoy the other stuff that comes along in-between!


    1. I tortured myself today by going to a book shop and it was great and terrible like Galadriel on Lord of the Rings. I have got a few more diverse books to ad to my list though and to eventually introduce you guys too yay!


  10. First off I must say that I can envision all the little slips of paper with notes only the man who penned them would understand. Just like your thoughts on holding and smelling a book versus reading a tablet, I love the feel of a pen in my hand, forming each of the words, a much more intimate experience than typing on a keyboard. As for your lengthy list of books, this will most assuredly always be a conundrum for you. Christina could not have expressed this more succinctly. Perhaps the books you are meant to read will find you. 🙂


    1. I fear the books are queueing up to find me which is fine. It sort of like Soviet reading in that respect which means i can be all Clichéd and wear a furry hat! Keyboards are all nice and intuitive but the sound of pen on paper and the flourishes and pressure points of the pen, individual to us all is a little bit magical, I totally agree.


    1. I had no idea it had, so wrapped up in the word am I, it was a great watch…it put a big smile on my face…perhaps I should get out more after all.


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