Planning Ahead (For A Change)

673Today’s short effort is post number 376 or post CCCLXXVI if you are of a Latin persuasion. In 24 posts time, I will have reached a personal milestone 400th post and in keeping with my haphazard way of dealing with such things, I am due to do something big(gish).

I didn’t manage it for posts 100 (which I actually forgot about) or 300, in which I promised to do something impressive for post 400 thus avoiding any effort at the time.  Post 200 saw you ‘treated’ to a vlog filmed 6,000 miles from home, so keeping with the even numbers preference I now consider a habit, I need to do something different and if anything, a little bit impressive.

As a consequence, the planning really needs to begin now and I am throwing the doors open for suggestions on what you, my dear friends would like to see for this latest chapter in the journey and I’ll see what I can do  .All ideas are welcome – the wackier the better –  and whilst you think of something I am off to reconnect with your blogs again, catch up and write something new and better wtitten to boot.

48 Replies to “Planning Ahead (For A Change)”

    1. I like that idea, a combined review is something I have only dabbled in with two books at a time on occasion. I do like a challenge though as you know. Ste J as a youngster, with my short trousers and mud encrusted knees because I was a cliché back then hehe.


    1. Haha, I know what you mean, hence my decision to delegate the ideas process. It’s been a long time coming to get here, just over three years now, if only I could write all day…when not reading.

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    1. Hhmmm that is a good suggestion, I have never been good at reading out loud, stumbling over my words like a slap stick comedian putting one foot in a bucket then stepping onto a rake but that does give me an idea for a post which I had thought about doing then forgot because of the millions of other things going on in my head. I shall go put it in my drafts now, it will be my 129th draft, I really need to post more.


    1. I am hoping to make it a bumper post or a few of something varied, I feel exhausted thinking about it already lol. Thanks for your continued support!

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  1. Re-enactments of classic book covers. Nothing else will suffice.
    Well, actually, photoshopping your head into famous book covers would probably suffice. And be less effort.
    Do that.


    1. Both sound like noble pursuits, I will look into this as it could be amusing in many unexpected ways, a bit like that book Pets with Tourette’s, it shouldn’t be funny but it just is.


    1. I already have my plans for post five hundred I think, not that I am trying to get ahead of myself or anything. I remember when WordPress lavished us with badges for milestones but I haven’t seen any for that long that making my own seems like the best thing to do. I think the post will touch down sometime in the Summer when everything seems better.

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  2. I would like you to review something of pop culture, like a comparison between Japanese anime, and American Disney animations. But then, that means you have to watch animes . He he


    1. That’s something new but it sounds appealing, do you have any suggestions for me to watch? I need to improve my pop culture knowledge, then I will be able to get in on previously impenetrable conversations.


      1. Warning Japanese animes are weird with even more weird characters. You need to think outside the box. I’ve forgotten most of the titles of the animes that I like, but here are a few.

        Ghost in the Shell
        Cowboy bebop
        Evangelion ( Neo- genesis )
        Spirited Away
        Death Note
        Howl’s Moving Castle
        My neighbor Totoro
        Princess Mononoke
        Ex – machine
        Code Geass
        Full metal Alchemist

        Japanese culture is totally ingrained in mangas and animes. If you’re new to them, you’ll find their behavior a bit strange, he he. Btw, I love Spirited Away and Monster, Ghost in the Shell and Cowboy bebop. Berserk, too. And Attack on the Titan. They are fantasies.


        1. I saw Spirited Away a while back and I was impressed by it, as well as Grave of the Fireflies which you recommended to me back in the day, so I am already a fan of your taste. I like things with imagination that challenge me so anything that seems odd to begin with will always grab my attention as I need to understand, it becomes something of an obsession.


          1. Check out Princess Mononoke and The Wind Rises. By the way, Spirited Away won an Oscar for Best Animation, and also The Wind Rises at this year’s Oscars. These three were made by Studio Ghibli , and the stories and drawings were by Hayao Miyazakii. Don’t forget Princess Mononoke and Monster. Oh, and Monster is not about a monster, ha ha.

            The rest in the list are series of episodes. I hope you have the time to watch them. Try Cowboy bebop. I’m sure you will enjoy it. we have box sets of these animes . May I recommend Ghost in a Shell ? It a series, but are stand alone stories.

            Believe it or not Netflix doesn’t have these titles.

            Well, SteJ, have fun watching all these geeky goodness . ha ha


            1. Excellent, plenty to get my teeth into and discover and if it opens up a whole new book reading experience as well (as I’m sure it will lead to that) then that will make it even better.


  3. Something with location photos relating to authors. Like reading some Byron at Newstead, or some D. H Lawrence at Eastwood.


    1. Haha, it is a challenge to think ahead, that’s why my Chess skills are lacking but planning a few months ahead may at least give me half a chance to do something good for the 400th.

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  4. Short reviews of your five all-time favourites? From different genres….

    Or, just a personal post about your journey of blogging, your inspiration for writing, your hobbies etc.

    Whatever it will be, I’m sure I’ll enjoy it…. 🙂 Looking forward to the 400th post!


    1. All good ideas my friend, I am hoping to start doing something soon to make it something fun, post 500 is going to be awesome, i already have that one planned!

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    1. There’s two of me! If anybody needs any stick men drawing then I am your man but it seems my long lost twin got the drawing talent.


    1. It certainly has been an epic hike to climb this far up the post ladder, it’ll be nice to view the scenery from the top of this ledge before looking forward to the epic 500th post which I promise you will be awesome! Having loads of suggestions already I fear another one will topple the pile, not that I would complain about more choice, but thank you for your continued support.

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  5. You could collect 400 small stones, put them in a carrier bag, and take them to your nearest beach or multistorey carpark if you prefer. Then you can use them to spell out literary quotes or slogans in the sand (or tarmac), and take pictures of them to post on here. You could even turn it into a competition – whoever identifies all the quotes from your post wins the carrier bag full of stones. I think my idea just broke the internet.


    1. Ha! That makes you more efficient than Kim Kardashian’s derrieré so well done on that score. That is an ambitious idea, I will look into the cost of P&P on the bag of stones.


  6. That is a huge achievement my friend, and since I am so late catching up here, you will now be even closer to your goal. No ideas from me, I struggle with my own, but can’t wait to see what you come up with!!


    1. I know the struggling feeling, lol which is why I mentioned it on here, work smart not hard as I’m always fond of telling my boss. Post 500 is going to be immense so stick around for that!

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      1. Oh I’ll stick around, you can count on it. And ran out of time today, so will be back tomorrow to catch up with your other posts too. Working smart is a great philosophy and actually is the smartest way to work hard. Very clever that Ste 🙂


        1. Any excuse to put my feet up and nap! No rush on post catching up I am behind as well, which seems like a normal thing these days, I think it’s the way we bloggers work as we don’t make money off our sites.

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  7. Anything you come up for the BIG celebration is sure to be enjoyable. You are def one of a kind when it comes to being unique in the way that you present your posts.


  8. I love to have a taste of another’s world, how about a docu-montage of SteJ’s fave book haunts – be it where you buy ’em, borrow, read, etc.. as well as a snap or video of where these 400 entries are composed…. cheers!


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