Chippy Ste

chippy tea.The other day – Saturday to be precise – I was sat in Nottingham at about half four in the afternoon having a bag of chips, it was my first meal of the day and allowed me to sit and contemplate stuff as the traffic flowed by.  The people on the buses were very inquisitive about my feast in paper and I made a great show of overly enjoying it because sometimes its the only thing to do.

Animals in zoos should try it, make us all crave some bizarre food, the gift shops would make a killing.  Anyway, settled on a slowly warming metal bench, I considered my place in life.  Chips are of course the food of thought, with plenty of salt and vinegar lavished on them, and I started my thoughts off with my physical place in the world.

Being still whilst everybody bustles around you is always a good thing, unless you are tying your shoelaces of course.  I am always unsure of whether I feel incredibly small in this moving world or at the centre of it, thereby attaining some sort of omnipotence.  Far be it for me to elevate myself so sitting on Hera’s lap or anything but I have written about that sort of thing awhile back somewhere on these pages.Anyway I digress from the point that I haven’t even begun to make yet, thus not digressing so therefore rendering this whole sentence slightly pointless but necessary to somebody somewhere in the grand scheme of things.  Possibly.  What I am trying to say is that it is so easy to become consumed in all the frivolous stuff and then wonder what exactly it’s all about.

Perhaps it is where the true pursuit of happiness gets a bit murky and with the realisation, it then becomes tempting (and don’t deny it) to wish to go feral for a bit and do something fun, and sod the consequences.  That was my mood on the day, according to painstakingly typed notes made on my phone with the non business end of a wooden fork.  I think those thoughts never really leave me, perhaps I am a dreamer after all, still a bit of cash could make me a do-er.

Anyway there isn’t a real point to this post, just a quick state of mind post that may have gone somewhere had I had the forethought to write it up sooner.  Anyway you deserved something from me as I have been away for a bit…I shall be around your blogs within a day or so and then I will be sure to have something of relevance to say.

68 Replies to “Chippy Ste”

  1. Personally, I LOVE your slightly pointless sentence 🙂 Whoever would have thought to eat chips with a wooden fork …You Brits …so Proper while we americans cram them into our mouths with our fingers! Barbarians LOL 🙂 See, I can write a pointless comment now and again 🙂


    1. You lot can’t master chips…I once saw a sign that said fish and chips, with fries. You Americans will master it eventually. We love the forks because they are free and if we are really tight we grab a couple just in case. Sometimes there are plastic forks but they just aren’t the same as the classic two pronged wooden affair. Pointlessness is spreading, lets hope it doesn’t reach the needle industry!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You said a bag of chips, and if you hadn’t had the picture there I would have assumed you meant a bag of crisps, since we call crisps chips and chips fries. we’re a mess!


    1. Chippy in the title doesn’t have any other meaning than we talk of having a ‘chippy tea’ because over here (in most parts of England at least) tea is your dinner and dinner is your lunch. so we go to the the chippy (fish and chip shop) and that’s the long winded version of it. As a pun it was pretty rubbish and has a fairly narrow band of people who would be familiar with it but I couldn’t think of a really witty chip pin.


      1. I gotcha 😉 I have heard the expression Chipping before, meaning annoying (like the chipping pin machine at the grocery) and I thought you meant the same thing.. I see I am going to need to brush up on my “slang” before coming over there! Thanks for the education 😉


        1. I had never heard of the term chipping in that respect. It is good to share slang culture and see how words change from place to place. I don’t think anything will prepare you for the slang over here and then there is rhyming slang of course which just confuses further!


  2. I actually found this very relevant 🙂 I’m guessing what you call “chips” are our “french fries” and they look DELICIOUS! At first I thought you meant an actual bag and here it would be something like potato chips (like: http ://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Potato_chip)I do hope you didn’t get so lost in all this contemplation that you inhibited enjoying them, Ste J 🙂 So often, it’s the little moments that matter since that’s most of what life’s made of, right?


    1. That’s right, fries are nice but nothing beats a nice thick chip…they taste so different to fries, you would love them, you must experience them. I hadn’t had any chips in ages so I did enjoy them whilst musing, I do treasure even the melancholy moments, they keep life rich and allow me to think along different lines…makes a change from a book review as well!


      1. Agreed…there’s an awful lot that ISN’T book-centric! 😀 And we do have “chips” here though they’re not typically called chips in many places. I’ve never had them with vinegar though, other than our thin, bagged types. They sound yummy though I have bad reactions to vinegar now 😦 Oh, well! I’m trying to lose weight anyway! lol


        1. Well they work well enough with just salt, losing weight is overrated like voting for one of the main political parties…I do try and stick in some non book items to keep everybody interested, including myself!


  3. Ahh…there’s nothing better than eating a bag of chips outside while contemplating one’s place in the world. A friend of mine has a daughter who is going through a marriage break up and has taken off on her own on a road trip through several states. We agree that it sounds heavenly to us (the road trip, not the break up..) I would love to just take off sometimes like that. It sounds as if we were doing the same thing on Saturday except I was in hospital with my daughter who was not very well and admitted for the weekend (recovering now). Staring out of her window for hours on end, quietly reading and just being with her gave me time to pause and ponder. I think it’s good to do that from time to time. Helps set our sights on where we want to go in life. And the more chips the better 😉


    1. Chips make everything okay, although good luck smuggling them into a hospital. Any sort of pause to take stock is a good thing, it’s easy to see where I want to go, it’s just proving harder to get there…things will work out somehow and chips are forever! Glad to hear your daughter is recovering, hospitals are grim places at the best of times.


      1. Thanks Ste, she is much better. I know what you mean…knowing where you want to go is one thing but the practicalities don’t always cooperate. I hope they do for you though when the time is right 🙂 Meanwhile, here’s to chips, chips and more chips 🙂


  4. I loved your relaxed and reflective post. Usually I don’t eat fries which I guess are our equivalent of chips…minus the vinegar. But, soon, I may have to eat a few fries just to join you on the virtual road to watching the world go by.:)


    1. I don’t tend to eat many chips but as I was going to a house warming straight from work, I thought it prudent to get some quick food as everybody else would inevitably have eaten before hand, if chips and reflection go hand in hand I may start going to the gym more.


  5. Shame on you, eating chips and not inviting anyone else to share with you! And here I shared my banana homemade ice cream with you just about a week ago, even giving you the recipe! You bad person! Seriously, though, the first time I had fish and chips in a serious way (in a paper cone, with salt and vinegar instead of ketchup, the usual American condiment) I was in Dublin. I was hooked. I had been to England a few years before that for a brief spell, but all I was offered was kippers for breakfast–whoa! I’m supposed to eat this salty, salty fish, from head to toe? Nothing doing! Funny how much a little filleting and accompanying with fried potatoes can help! Sadly, of course, I can no longer indulge (at least not very often) in fried potatoes, or fried fish, or fried anything else. But I can do a mean veggie burger, with walnuts and mushrooms and tomato and etc. in it, which tastes just great. Unfortunately, I can only offer you a virtual version, but (she said in a miffed tone) that’s more than you offered me of your fish and chips, which I could certainly have in a virtual version. To paraphrase Roman gladiators, “We who are about to die (from lack of fish and chips) salute you.”


    1. Well here’s a plethora of guilty feelings coming my way and metaphorically crippling my soul, which was just learning to come to terms with the end of The Wire. I was going to share honest, but with the weather and the current political climate and other such oddly acceptable reasons, you must be able to let me off. Perhaps next time you are over this way you can try a full English, now that is the way forward…all our food is not greasy, it just seems the tastiest is, as is always the way. I will share in future, I would hate to be known as the guy that is all take, take, take!


    1. It’s nice to be back but time is not my own, at least we bloggers are all in the same boat in that respect…if only we didn’t need to work…


  6. There is no resemblance whatsoever between British chips and fries. Chips are a food group of their own and there is no other way of eating them except with salt and vinegar. My best friend is British (sorry, Jan, I mean Cornish) and tortures me with talk about going to the chippy for tea. Even after 45 years in Australia, she still says, “Do you want to come to tea Saturday?” Going to England and having fish and chips from a real English chippy and a pie with mushy peas are two things on my bucket list:-D.


    1. It is a delicacy, up there with Panda meat, probably. Nothing beats eating them whilst feeling the cold salty air of the seaside hitting you in the face, sheer bliss…I haven’t been to any of the coasts here for years now, perhaps next year.


  7. I had fish and chips in London once loooong ago. A vastly different experience eating them wrapped in newspaper than in our tidy Yankee plastic baskets.


    1. Sometimes the layers are ridiculous, unwinding five or six layers just to get to the goodness. Nothing teaches culture like an over wrapped bunch of cut potatoes.


  8. You were lucky that your zen-like trance wasn’t broken by a flock of scavenging sea gulls, a bit like the harpies in Jason and the Argonauts…
    I’m very much a vinegar man myself but I probably would have added a polystyrene cup of mushy peas to ensure that it was a properly healthy breakfast. Then it would have counted as two of your five a day.


    1. The seagull problem is non existent just outside Nottingham but I would be happy to recreate any scenes from Jason just because it is a stone cold classic. I was tempted with the peas but with a night out looming, I thought cheap was a better option, I do rue missing one of my five a day though…I think I had something with lime in it later on in the night so that may count…


  9. That was great. Made me smile. It’s a hard question. Are we at the heart of what is going on, or just a passer by? I think the answer is all to do with our state of mind. More often than not, I feel great, and it’s awesome to be alive and on track to fulfil my dreams. At other (slightly down times), I feel strange and like I need to get back into my quirky bubble to feel alive again.


    1. It is odd where and when we decide to muse but is good to give the brain a workout. Perhaps it is a mistake to ponder the imponderables as we never get answers but it got me in a better mood for the Game cube and the alcohol to follow lol.


      1. I love pondering the imponderables, but yes, sometimes it’s best not to. For example, some people I just can’t work out. When they say opposing things and change what they say so frequently. Sometimes it’s best just to let it, or them, go. Otherwise it’s a total head spin and nightmare. I know you weren’t really talking about people, but the odd person can be the most frustrating to understand. In fact, I don’t they can understand themselves sometimes. Thank goodness I understand my quirky self these days, because I exactly know who I am and where I stand with me.


        1. People are strange, it is sad when some change or just drift away but it seems best to not worry too much about that, as long as you have some good friends and are having fun then life is good.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Hi Ste, I have got some awesome friends, thank goodness, and back to enjoying life again after a bit of upset. Off to London and Disneyland very soon. (Tues 30th – Sat 4th). 1st, 2nd, 3rd in Disneyland. Hooray!


                  1. I have bought two spare phone batteries, a wall charger, and a 64GB memory card, so as to not jam my phone again, like I did in London at then Digital Revolution Exhibition, and render my phone useless.


                    1. Yeah! I have a ton of stuff going on with life. I now own 16 domains – Building the quirky empire slowly but surely. I am not planning to do the websites for all of those at the moment. About to launch the new site. It’s looking good. Which it should do considering everything I have learnt and all of the hours I have spent on it. Although one plug in is not loading at the moment and it’s worked perfectly well up until tonight, launch night. Typical.


                    2. That’s an epic set up you have there but it’s exciting at the same time…I wish you every success and I will continue to support you of course! I hope the plug in is fixed now, the site is looking good!


                    3. Hi Ste, thank you so much and for your continued support. All plugins were fixed before the site went live and so it should be running like clockwork. My other site however, blogtrainerUK, has had all of the pics vanished, but off on holiday in a few hours, so I can’t fix it now.


                    4. Thanks Ste. I am back from my hols but now Snuggles is severely ill, in a life or death situation. She has been to the vets 3 times while I was away and my mum has been syringe feeding her. In the vets today for another teeth op. She has gut statis – Bloat, due to tooth problem.


  10. Ponder the imponderables…oh, my goodness. Well, I’m impressed how many comments and likes from bloggers you have received just by sharing a ‘state of mind’ and your snacking habits. That is a lot easier than reading a classic book! Yes, I am back from vacation and waiting for your next classic review. BTW, it takes 524 burpees to burn off one serving of ‘french fries’ ( chips in UK and ‘patat’ in Dutch!)


    1. I hasten to add that a bag of chips is a very rare occurrence for me but when in a rush and the aroma comes wafting at me as I get off the bus, well it seemed like fate! It wasn’t even a complete post but people seemed to appreciate it even when I wasn’t too happy with it…whereas some of the ones I am real proud of don’t get many likes or comments, it is the strange nature of the blogging beast.

      I am glad to see you back and will be catching up with your blog later this evening as I am very behind due to work. I have a Tolstoy and a Graham Greene reviewing in the drafts stage at the moment and perhaps The bhagavad Gita somewhere as well, so hopefully one of those will be out soon.


    2. I think it shows how people really enjoy the combo of intelligent and fun conversation that’s not necessarily about books 🙂 And, of course, there’s FOOD! lol


      1. Sucker them in with the photo of chips and they are pretty much obliged to read the whole thing, next time I may stuck up a picture of a steaming spit roasted hog! I do like to try and mix up the book posts with other stuff to keep everybody interested, as I hear some people aren’t as into books as moi.


  11. I empathize with you….sometimes you put your heart and soul into a review….and nobody cares! looking forward to more of your ‘cutting-edge’ commentary!


    1. I always thought of it more of a drunken ramble but without the alcohol…perhaps i should review a book whilst tipsy, it could be an interesting experience!


  12. Not a fan of our fries but do believe chips would be lovely…after all they are doused in salt and vinegar! Anyhoo, very much enjoyed this – reminds me of Baudelaire’s writings as flanuer, observing life going about him. Good for you, kick back, contemplate and continue sharing a chip or two. cheers!


    1. I think the vinegar makes it, that and chips don’t have that taste that sometimes resembles cardboard, that’s fast food for you. Contemplation is something that gets forgotten with this fast paced world, which is why we should all eat chips and sit down on cold benches sometimes…I may try for something inside next time though.


  13. Ste J, I love your mind meanderings. They seem to stop me in my tracks and before I know it I am having one of those ‘aha’ moments. Wherever your mind takes you, there seems to be more relevance there than when I am at my most alert. Love this post! 🙂


    1. Things just occur to this ol’ brain of mine…I am glad to encourage your own ‘aha’ moments, it is reciprocation my friend as you have been given me much inspiration since I started reading your wonderful words.


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