Doctor Who – The Hiatus

Doctor_Who_Weekly_1Apologies for belatedly getting in with more Who posts, my laptop battery unexpectedly gave up so over the rest of the weekend I will be getting the remaining six or seven posts out as and when, so apologies in advance for the apparent spamming of your  WP reader.

Today I shall be posting three Who posts as I am running out of time to get them all in before the 50th. This is the first and the other two shall be following sometime during the day at fairly even intervals;

The dark years of Who were not as dark for me as one would imagine.  To a teen like myself, at the time the loss was not felt quite as keenly with other things to distract me such as girls and football and then of course my burgeoning love for books.  Nevertheless Who continued in other forms and kept the polarity of the neutron flow reversed.

With series 27 cancelled, the show had ended its long run on an interesting and new direction, with so much promise but also on a quiet note.  With no discernible closure and the open-ended nature of the show there was always going to be a need for more.

The Doctor Who Magazine (DWM) carried on after the end of the series and still is going strong, thanks to some wonderful articles and of course the loyal fans, its thanks to the intelligent and well written perspectives of the articles that the depth of Doctor Who was revealed to me and inspired me to have a crack at some of my own writings about it.

Interestingly with the cancellation of the show, DWM eventually evolved into a more adult orientated read with the writers forced to focus on the more in-depth issues of the show to keep the interest and circulation up.  It is impressive that a publication that started on 17th October 1979 is still going strong Ghosts_of_N-Spaceand is not far shy of 500 issues.

Pre-internet days, fan fiction had arguably more of a platform to be published and Who had the New Adventures and the Missing Adventure series of books, which featured authors who would go on to write for the new era of the show.  Such familiar names as Russell T. Davis, Mark Gatiss and Gareth Roberts who introduced new characters and companions for adventures which are part of the official canon. Although due to the sheer amount of authors writing, some contention exists over was is and isn’t.

Fanzines and the odd convention helped keep things alive during the drought as well, these stirling efforts show a genuine love for a TV show that had the hiatus been within the internet days, then the push for the show to be reinstated by the BBC would have been of epic proportions.

Audio books were soon coming out with spin offs and official Doctor stories voiced by the original Doctor and companions were and are still coming out thanks to Big Finish productions.  The original stories being written add to an already huge universe and keep the thirst for Who from being satiated any time soon and only help to confirm the stature that this show has in television history.

19 Replies to “Doctor Who – The Hiatus”

    1. Ooo, lucky you…I went through all of the first seven Doctor’s recently…gutted that my battery died otherwise today’s last post would have been a fitting culmination. Never mind more to come and I know we are going to have a blast today!


  1. I contemplated buying three Who books today. They were books based on the First, Fifth and Eighth Doctors. I was in a lot of pain at the time and the thought of carrying even three books didn’t appeal to me.


    1. Perhaps they will still be around next time you are out and about. Were they the white cover anniversary editions? I read the third Doctor edition of those which I hope to review before the weekend is out. There is always Who to get stuck onto I love it! I shall be watching the webisode later as we draw nearer to the main event!


      1. Yes they were. I think they were 3 for £5. One was by Terrence Dicks, and I remember reading one of his in 1987. Might see if they are on Kindle actually.


        1. Sounds like a bargain…I haven’t seen any of the older stories over here, just some of the new hardback ones which we managed to get for a few dollars. Hopefully they will have a ton for you on Kindle too!


            1. Sweet! I feel the need to read myself after that lol. I will have to post on it after I get done with the other ones I have to write.


              1. Yes, I will do a post on it tomorrow. My kids mother refused to let them watch it tonight … won’t go into that … so I will have to watch it again tomorrow. What a shame. lol


                1. Watching a second time is always great, especially for all those little nuances i know that we probably missed the first time around…I bet I missed a ton and can’t wait to find them on my second watch through and then my third!


                  1. It is, I think, one of the best episodes. One of the people who I texted afterwards said that she would have preferred … hmmm … how do I say this without giving it away. She would have preferred the Moment to have been who it should have been. She also said that there was not enough companion interaction. I think that the story was about the Doctors so the companions were there more as a “hello”


                    1. Yeah it was a Doctor heavy special, I think the McGann webisode made everything else pale into comparison for me, after that it could have been 75 minutes of pure static and I would have loved it, well kind of. I will have to think on it before I pass judgement though for it is, as usual a complex piece.


                    2. Very much so. And I have to write my photo fiction piece before bed. It’s 1am now. Eek. So, I’m off for the night


    1. Haha and how spammy I was…never again will I attempt to write so many posts in a day. Happy Sunday and coming week to you too!


  2. While working I have discovered just how many Dr. Who groupies there are in the world, given the number of DVD’s I have come across. When the dust settles here, I will have to enter the Dr. Who world. For now, I am “breaking bad”, and loving it! 🙂


    1. Yay, so now you can appreciate my ‘mobile meth lab’ reference hehe. I am glad you like Breaking Bad and am looking forward to any thoughts you have on Who at a later date. I was surprised how big it was in the US when I came over but it provides even more viewpoints and that is always a good thing. I am always in need of a good conversation starter.


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