Ode to a Blank Sheet of Paper


Ode to a Blank Sheet of Paper



What are you?


A blank, a hollow. To be approached, with caution, respect and fear…

or perhaps with excitement.

An expression of me as I pour forth, my soul onto you.


Perceptions differ, when you promise so much but with your blank stare.  You can ruin days with that impenetrable facade.

You are the affair that can go wrong – the cruel mistress of empty failure – or so, so right.


You are open and closed, in two states fused together; tempting, teasing and merciless.

Ready on my whim, you open yourself to my thoughts, my deepest imaginings,

Impassive in the recording, you stand up to the intensest scrutiny, my eyes taking in everything that you possess.


You are what you are.

An enigma. The best of me, sometimes the worst of me, always a mirror to my thoughts.

My mute companion through so many journeys never witnessed by others, my secret life.


My finite obsession.


Irresistible Aural Reclamation



A song triggers off the beginnings of a thought

a memory of time stood still

where everything was amazing…

wrapped in that cocoon


experiences enriching the long road to understanding

familiar intimacy relived…

to virtual pleasurable destruction

reminiscences of time and place, vivid and warm

imprinted on my skin.



Snow Worries

AccuracyToday has been a strange day…I find most days are strange when I really stop to think and properly consider them…mostly they start off mundane and samey and move through the tedious and dull phases before ending with the mounting inevitability of the same happening again in the next 24 hour period.

Some days contain things in them to look forward to, catching up with people and going places I don’t go to very often, or perhaps just the chance to be a solitary, lazy and probably sleepy chap.

Thinking about things is always good though, not just for exercising the critical faculties – which the world seems intent on dumbing down – but also for stopping me becoming complacent about life and all its features.  I do like life, contrary to all the repetitious stuff in it and the depress-a-thon that is the news.

Just the other day, Myself and Chris were comparing our own definitions (and their differences) of the words melancholy, sadness and depression.  It was just a little exercise but having been put on the spot really made me think of the actual meaning of the words I use and how many seem to be so interchangeable in everyday speech for so many people.  Which in reality probably makes a lot of people myself included extremely inaccurate about a lot of things I say. Continue reading “Snow Worries”