There seems to be an element of timing that fails me but then balances out through the kindness of other people for which I am very grateful.  Being taken up with getting into the nitty-gritty of The Wire, I missed the opportunity to do the Big Thing I had always planned for post 500, which is disappointing as I failed to really achieve anything from the 400th post.


It crept up quickly – as these things do –  this time and I will be making sure I book a bit of time off work in the near future to enact my plans which will be something different from my norm but that is all you are getting out of me for the moment…

Today’s post instead of being a celebration of a milestone will be, firstly a big thank you to Jess Harpley for sending me a mass of books and merchandise as well as unknowingly managing the timing for this, my 501st post.  Secondly I extend my appreciation to all of you, be you authors gifting me your hard work or a regular reader, that’s what the blog is all about and yes I am aware of how quiet I have been of late.  It could be blog related and will be if I can find an angle to make me feel less guilty about disappearing so completely.

The most important thing for reaching such a number of posts is that is comes not just from my efforts but also all your support, kindness and friendship that have flowed through your comments and likes over the years. I have made some awesome friends on here, three met and many more so will be over the coming years one hopes.

The years which will make up the next 500 posts will have some new and interesting things I hope as well as bringing a more diverse range of books, with more YA and graphic novels into the mix as well as a few things to welcome more bloggers and authors together.  This social thing we have is constantly fun, thought-provoking and downright refreshing and so this achievement is for you.

Thank you.






51 Replies to “501”

    1. Thank you sir, want to be branching out more for the next 500, got some ideas, now the summer lethargy has gone, I have no excuse.


    1. Thank you my friend, it is galvanising to have come this far and I am hoping to do some things that I don’t see often around Bloggaria so that should perhaps keep you entertained in the coming months…plus the review of a certain book as well!

      Liked by 1 person

        1. I could do better, I always plan to streamline all the less productive times out of my life, or at least mostly but then never quite get around to it. Still trying is a start.


  1. 501 posts – Woohoo! Congratulations on reaching such a milestone. Presumably you’ll be marking the occasion by sitting in the launderette in your undercrackers, reading comics while spinning your jeans. Now there’s a blogpost (arrest) waiting to happen. 😉


    1. As tempting as that was (and nice old school reference by the way), I spent the day making room for a hole shelf of books which means I have more room for books and didn’t catch a slight cold, both of which are big victories.


  2. Keep goin’ strong, Ste J! We need people like you on the Internet, in the blogosphere! You always remind me of how underread I am, which is a good exercise in modesty for me, someone who has spent her life reading books and likes to think, at least, that she is not surprised by anything! Ta! luv, for now!


    1. There is such a vast sea of books out there that I think we are all underread, I have been eyeing up Polybius for a review of late but then my eyes glided over the other shelves and it turns out there are about forty books I want to read next. I will get to them all eventually, hopefully I won’t make you feel too underread though, although i am all for fuelling the book economy as well.


      1. I do hope books are always around. Websites and library websites in particular are wonderful, especially in a pinch, but somehow I don’t think I’ll ever give over my fondness for tactile print.


        1. Books are such a part of life and history, I notice quite a lot of wallpaper that has books on it too. Books will stay around forever, they are a tonic to screens and have a pleasing weight. Besides War and Peace on an e-reader would make an unconvincing doorstop.


  3. Wow, 500 posts! Congratulations! I am so intrigued as to what you had originally had planned for 500 posts… can’t you please give us a hint?


    1. Recently life has ruined my blogging time as has my own laziness but I do have some good ideas that just need a bit of time to develop and of course some books needing to be read.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. no rush – I’m sure everyone has times like that – we’ll all still be here for you when you are ready 🙂


        1. I think I am more annoyed at myself as when I do get time I wasn’t even reading, let alone writing but I am easing back into it now…sort of, ha!


  4. Here, you sound just like me 😀 Every year, for the past three years, I think of writing a “GREAT” post celebrating my blog’s birthday, but I miss it eventually 😦 I missed it this year as well, as my blog completed 3 years on the 2nd of September.

    Anyway, I think this is a nice 501th post. Jess is really a sweetheart, she took all the trouble of sending me a physical copy overseas. I owe her a debt of gratitude. She could have done it with a Kindle copy or a pdf one, but she is just too sweet. 🙂

    Congrats for crossing the 500 mark…waiting for your 1000th post… 🙂


    1. when I get to the 1000th, I will make sure it is an epic post…that one deserves some planning. Blogging milestones always seem easy to plan for and then they pop up and disappear so fast!

      Jess is great, I was not expecting so much in the package and was a lovely surprise, it shows how far she goes for her readers and that is refreshing to see. It seems she knows us well, loving our physical copies as we do!


  5. Congratulations on 501 posts! I can sympathise and empathise on the lack of posts. I have been very busy and anxious during the last year and haven’t posted as many times as I would have liked. Life is exhausting and any spare time finds me staring into space or casually reading other peoples’ posts and struggling to find the right words for a short comment. One needs energy and enthusiasm to prepare and write posts and tiredness precludes those. The will is there (sometimes) but everything else seems to be lacking.
    I see you received the 2017 Young Explorers Adventure Guide. My younger daughter acquired one of those a few years ago and thoroughly enjoyed her introduction to sci-fi.


    1. I sometimes look at my notes and know it will take me at least two hours to write, rewrite and edit a review, it can be invigorating or challenging. Still its good when we get it done but yes it is an effort. Still it is better than just sitting in front of the TV when not working.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Happy 500 🙂 I’m tantalized, now, by your mysterious danglings of future happenings…please don’t grade my wordage or grammar 🙂 I thank you for your posts…I’ve read a book or two I’d have never tried without your reviews and I’ve learned…from you…and the books 🙂


    1. I like spreading the knowledge around, the wonderful world of blogging is a gift that keeps on giving and I have read and thought about so much intriguing things since following all you wonderful people. There will be no test I assure you, especially having looked at some of my older posts, I think they need a drastic edit hehe.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Congrats & cheers, Ste J!
    My take on blogging is…it’s a joy! It is not a job I must do. There are no deadlines. There is no boss. It is simply what I feel like posting, when i feel inspired to do so. So what if you or I or someone else is around more or less? It’s not a contest. I am happy to read your posts & always want you to be happy writing them. Don’t ever feel pushed or forced by anyone, or yourself. ⭐ You are a blog star! ⭐


    1. I think my worry is that I don’t visit people enough when not writing, if I was keeping in with people then that would ease my conscious. That and I do enjoy writing too, I like to aim for about ten a month or at least feel inspired by the book I am reading. Besides I know you would all be lost without all those obscure books I like to find hehe.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. It’s a bit like those lists of things you’ll do before 21, 20, 40, and 50. Before you know it you’re 52 and have never ridden a donkey, been to Birmingham or eaten dried banana chips. 500 is still totally cool as it’s the body of work that matters rather than timing or how it’s marked. Now go fourth and write another 500 🙂


    1. I certainly shall my friend, I shall enlist the help of someone called Sally, then I can sally forth a lot and write…I am sure she wouldn’t be annoyed by that one bit. The only list I need is a TBR list.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Congratulations on your 500 posts, dear Ste… that´s a considerable amount… here´s to much more ahead!. Your plans concerning upcoming posts sounds excellent… wishing you best of luck! Best! Aquileana 😉


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