New Year of Positive Cheer

Happy New Year one and all, I hope you all had an enjoyable eve of it.

Unlike other years, I’ve refused to look at the end of year stats round-up that WP kindly provides, partly because I don’t want this post to become a vehicle of a self-critical nature and partly because although I feel my standard of writing has been raised, my overall post total is down on last year and as a result so are my page views.  I know it isn’t all about views but there is a certain manic joy at exceeding x number of visitors and views and I do like to think that this year I will stop those diminishing returns and become better at blogging.

To avoid self flagellating too much, I have decided to become more focussed when on the laptop and write posts in two hours or less, that way I can devote more time to reading other blogs, although when I do that, it takes me on average around four hours to get around all my usual haunts.  Saving time with that will mean more quality reading can be done for writing content and that is my round about way of justifying an excuse for spending the morning of New Year’s Eve scouring bookshops for more fascinating stories and ideas.

WP_20151231_004 [327111]

I managed to find a blend of new and second-hand books, balancing an atheist with a theologian as well as mixing up the different cultures, prize winners and genres which will hopefully interest you.  Previously I have attempted to turn back to my book roots only to be distracted by other things but this time I am hoping the wind will blow back more towards the books with other posts to break them up rather than – as has been of late – the other way around.

My current read is none of these by the way but as I still have hundreds of books to review, I will keep you guessing over what the next one will be, a clue of which is it doesn’t include ducks…at all.

57 Replies to “New Year of Positive Cheer”

  1. I’m likin’ this, Ste J 🙂 No worrying about stats. In fact, you just reminded me that I did get emails about my two blogs, then forgot to look at the stats! lol

    I hope you accomplish what you’re shooting for, my dear. And if you don’t—keep things relative; take solace in the fact that it’s not a weighty matter 🙂


    1. Thank you my friend, I am close to having an exciting opportunity come my way, it’s so close it’s tangible as long as everything goes alright. I am remaining positive though and I hope the year is a great one for you as well. All we can do is keep blogging and seeing where the adventure will take us.


        1. It’ll be a blog post full of giddiness and I am hoping to be able to write it sooner than later, you know that feeling of doubt you get when something exciting is right there in front of you, I’m there at the moment so attempting to distract myself with a book…that doesn’t involve ducks in any way.


            1. I aim to load up an old football management game and attempt to win leagues in obscure (in football terms) countries like Indonesia or Singapore, that’ll focus me. Don’t worry there was no post about sucks, I have just become oddly fixated on them recently.


                1. Blimey that’s a blast from the past, two years ago! My humour is still a bit weird, I hasten to add I was never involved in any nefarious duck business.


                    1. Well it is a pleasure to visit and be your number one of course…I am sure my badge and certificate are in the post lol.


  2. It is too easy to get caught up in overworking posts, isn’t it. I’m trying to preschedule a couple of weeks out at a time so I can focus on writing and reading.


    1. That’s a good idea, I may have to borrow that one if I can put enough time together. Already the year looking pretty positive, good luck with your prescheduling!

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    1. The same to you and yours my friend! I amused to being overly busy now, it seems quite alien to relax properly these days but I’m not complaining, long may I be distracted by things that improve me!

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  3. I see a Marquez book in that pile although I can’t read the title – wonderful! I’m going to Colombia for the first time next week so will be thinking of him as I walk the streets of Cartagena!


    1. The Marquez book is Memories of Melancholy Whores which is one of the few fiction pieces of his, I haven’t yet read. Take lots of photos please, I would love to go to Columbia and see something that may have inspired the great man himself. Although when I think Cartegena, I am more inclined to first conjure thoughts of Romancing the Stone. A fine film I shall watch whilst your away!


      1. I loved Memories of Melancholy Whores- a great one. And I always think of Romancing the Stone when I think of Cartagena too, haha! Brilliant film.


        1. It’s proof that we appreciate the finer things in life. I may get Jewel of the Nile on as well, just so you feel compelled to visit Egypt as well.


          1. Haha, a good incentive! But perhaps a tad far. Since moving back to the US I’ve been exploring South America more as there’s almost no time difference/jet lag which is wonderful.


  4. I think you’ve got a great plan, Ste J. Last week I received my year end stats report. The report hasn’t been opened. I don’t pay much attention to stats. I’m more interested in the interaction and connections I’ve made with fellow bloggers, like yourself. Happy New Year!


    1. The connections are what it is all about, I agree, I just like to massage my own ego sometimes such is my way lol. The stats themselves don’t bring half as many opportunities as actually connecting with people and as ever I met some great new friends last year.

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  5. Haunting bookshops is such a great way to spend New Year’s Eve morning! I could spend a large part of each and every day in bookshops, if left to my own devices 😉
    Happy New Year! Looking forward to reading you in 2016 🙂


    1. I didn’t want to leave but as I had spent up and decided a trip to the bank wouldn’t be the wisest way to start the new year, I begrudgingly left. I could sit there all day inhaling that wonderful old book scent and discovering plenty of hidden gems. I can’t wait to go back now and start sharing my purchases with you. I hope your New Year is as fruitful on the reading and writing side my friend!

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      1. I so can relate, books were my first love and it’s a love that’s endured! I can’t wait to read all about your wonderful finds 🙂
        I wish you a great New Year, I know mine will be fruitful when it comes to the reading (my average is about 3/4 books a week, I wish it was more!) but I’m not so sure about the writing, we’ll see. I am sending you all my best wishes for a 2016 full of inspiration and, of course, reading 🙂 x


        1. 3 to 4 books a week, that is impressive, I wish I could be at that level of commitment. It is always great to have people affirm your love in anything, especially books. I think you will conjure the perfect mix of reading and writing and there is a lot to look forward to for both of us and anybody reading this, let’s do this year in style!

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  6. I refuse to be influenced by stats – I blog because I enjoy blogging for its own sake and I love all the friends I’ve found too. Reading friends posts and making sensible/relevant comments does take a lot of time but it’s worth it. I am looking forward to hearing your good news! All the best for 2016 Ste!


    1. I see a lot of bloggers who have an amazing ability to read and like (yet never comment) on a post that I only published 30 seconds previously, these people who are only after the views never get a look in with me, I am all about the connections and taking my time with people’s words and thoughts. I think eventually people will realise that unless you have so much money you can afford to be on WP all day, it’s either the stats which are just numbers or the friends which make life so much more interesting. I will try not to pay too much mind to the views this year, in fact I have taken them off the sidebar so I’m not tempted to obsess. Have a great year my friend and hopefully within the next month I can pour you all a glass of champagne!

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      1. That’s exactly it, and I really hate the “likes” when you know someone didn’t read it. They’re either just showing they took the time to open your page, or they “may” like the subject heading, or they want to draw attention to themselves hoping you’ll check out their blogs.

        And it IS all about the interaction. No question! 😀


        1. I think a lot of it is spam liking in the reader, that way you don’t even get a view which is always annoying but then again I only want to see who has taken the time to actually come to the blog. My other annoyance is people that come on and say nothing but invite you to go to their blogs and provide a link. I’ll go view a commenter or liker through politeness and curiosity but not through the hard sell.

          Anyway time to dismount this soap box and think happier thoughts like all the awesome people I follow!


  7. May the new year be filled with excitement and contentment, Ste J. I’m looking forward to a whole new batch of reviews 🙂


    1. I still have a pile to review from last year to do, one from the year before that and one already from this year…I aim to catch up before too long and then I can go into the back catalogue of books on the shelves, of which there is much diversity! I have a feeling there will be plenty to interest you this year!

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  8. I actually remembered WP did send me an email when I saw people posting those stats 😀

    It takes time to read other blogs and comment on them. Sometimes, it is difficult to manage everything…I can understand that. I don’t know how people manage following hundreds of blogs!
    Anyway, let the mystery remain… 😀

    Looking forward to your reviews in 2016… 🙂


    1. It is amazing that people can follow so many. I try and visit all who visit me and of course keep up with my regulars at least twice a week but it is still a challenge at four hours plus as I try to visit you all within the same day. I think we are an understanding group though and it is just great that we stop by and chat with each other and form connections and friendships, not to mention bigger book lists hehe.

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  9. I use feedly to keep my blogs in order, then I go and have a session reading, say, the book ones and commenting on those I feel I have something to give to. I also get lots of immediate “Likes” but they never seem to translate into interaction, comments or indeed stats (remember that people who read your posts in blog aggregators but don’t pop to your actual page to like or comment don’t show up on your WP stats).

    Happy reading, blogging and commenting for 2016, however it goes. Oh and I can’t read the titles on those new books – time for new glasses or is it slightly indistinct??


    1. Sorry my mistake, the picture looked better on my phone, the tiles are: A Wreath of Smoke- A.L.O.E, Thérèse Raquin- Emile Zola, Earthworks- Brian Aldiss, Introductory Lectures on Aesthetics- Georg Hegel, A Perfect Vacuum- Stanislaw Lem, Myth Literature and the African World- Wole Soyinka, Fear and Trembling- Soren Kierkegaard, Death in the Andes- Mario Vargas Llosa, Memories of my Melancholy Whores- Gabriel García Márquez, Letters to a Young Contrarian- Christopher Hitchens and Satantango- Lászlo Krasznahorkai.

      This year I think I will be all about the chatting, I hope that I can embrace some new people and get them talking about books and whatever else, I say this before the predictable jadedness of New year’s resolutions filters in but hopefully I can hold onto some of the positives lol.


  10. This is definitely an alluring pile! New year will be a happy one if we are to make conclusions based upon this picture.
    I wish you a great balance, a lot of inspiration and adventure, and many satisfactory hours spent reading and writing!


    1. I have already read the Márquez and the Hitchens books and hoping to keep up this form for as long as possible. Both are fascinating in their own ways and more than worth the time it took to read them.


  11. Time management is a huge issue for blogger-readers. It’s something I struggle with constantly. I also struggle with how much time I spend on my other writing work, too. I think I’m going to focus on getting my work accepted for publication this year. The blog may suffer. I’m going to still try to visit as many blogs as I can, though. Everything comes with some sort of sacrifice, doesn’t it? I wish I didn’t need to sleep.


    1. Sleep is such a waste of good time when you are a blogger. Your readers will be patient and understanding, getting published will be awesome and we would all love to have a little share in that so you go for it, we aren’t going anywhere.

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  12. Happy New Year my friend. I’m very slow getting going here, only just posted yesterday since before Christmas. My stats too are down from 2014 because I couldn’t post as much. But how can one write and edit a book and keep the blogging going so often? I can’t. Good to see you back to your ‘book roots’. I’ll do my best to keep up, but I did just want to pop in here and touch base and say I hope you had a great Christmas, even though it seems ages away already…


    1. Happy New Year to you too! Christmas does seem so long ago now and it was a good one, plenty of Doctor Who was watched, I hope yours was equally as good! It is increasingly challenging to get everything in to life these days, I find that the more one blogs and becomes a stronger writer the longer it takes to compose posts so that doesn’t help much either. Luckily your fellow bloggers understand the time constraints and are supportive which is because we are so blummin’ nice.


  13. Happy 2016!

    I didn’t do the annual review either. Mostly – because I just didn’t get to it.
    Anywho – I know who my peeps are. 🙂


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