Winter Wanderland

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Taken from

Winter, the blustery brother of Autumn brings the sound and it’s a faint jingling of course!

Winter Wanderland

Misted breath wreathes the ice-cold silence of the night. Nothing moves except for the frosted flurries
gently blow the icy cobwebs, encouraging the raging torrent of imagination.

That pleasing crunch of virgin snow underfoot, intruding on the quiet. The footprint left behind looking phantasmal under the ice kissed glow of the street lamp.The crisp air pressing on red cheeks, wraps the pilgrim in happiness, like gifts under the tree.

Alone but happy, shivering in glacial temperatures, heading home, It’s hot work walking, windows passed are lit with tiny glittering points of joy. Offering an inviting glimpse into the magic of the season.

All is peaceful as it should be for the traveller, making his way home for Christmas.


50 Replies to “Winter Wanderland”

  1. Nice, evocative writing. Is it something you are re-blogging, or yours? The winter shot is lovely too, just as we wish it looked everywhere, small shops, snowy street, no car traffic.


    1. This is one of my own, I started writing it around this time last year but didn’t finish it but with some reworking this year it has come together in a way I picky old me is happy with. I have no idea where the picture actually is but it does look lovely there, traditional in all the best ways.


  2. Hi Ste, this is very different to your book review posts. I think it shows off the wonder of your imagination, very well. I would probably say something a lot more simple and basic. I love the ‘ice kissed glow of the street lamp’ – It sounds so romantic, enticing, inviting and mesmerising.


    1. Weather is always so much more more enticing when not being experienced I find. I do like to mix up the posts I do, to keep everyone guessing, I think you do your self an injustice, start simple and basic, add in words, change some words for more descriptive words and see what you come up with. Half of the time I start with some basic outline that is simple and contains an idea and then just have fun with words. Ideally I will be writing more of this type of stuff if the fancy takes me.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I think it’s great. I use more basic language with my blog, but that’s my style. Happy Christmas Ste. My tree is still in my parent’s loft as I have been full on with my day job, NHS induction, then self-employed work. It’s none stop. I have created my @quirkyacademy and @embraceyrquirky Twitters accounts and on the 11th, I launched my pages for them. Although I need more Likes, because until I get 25, I can’t actually have the page named as that.


        1. Consider both of your new Twitter accounts followed by moi, I am glad that you are getting on and growing your empire my friend. Happy Christmas my friend, it has been one heck of a year.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. That’s great Ste, I hope you found both of them okay? I am completely growing my quirky empire. Next year, is a huge career year for me. I will be an ambassador for Embrace Your Quirky, my philosophy that underpins my life and businesses. I will be doing lots of videos about how to embrace your quirky in different aspects of your life. It should be awesome. I have more fun videos to upload before then. I have a new page; an page and an page. Besides my other 5 pages. 8 in total.


          2. Thanks. Happy Christmas and new year to you my friend. It has been one heck of a year and next year is going to be heckier, if that’s even a word – of course, it’s a quirky word!


  3. Wow, sometimes you totally outdo yourself and since you are always brilliant, that’s a tough thing to do. I love this piece, Ste J. I like when I’m surprised by these lovely, little bits of yourself you leave for us to find. You have the most beautiful way of expressing yourself through the written word. Thank you. And the picture is just plain gorgeous. 🙂


    1. It took ages to find a complementary photo, I am not usually so picky but with the blog snow and my specific idea for what I wanted I did spend quite a lot of time. I am getting a little more frequent with my creative pieces these days and I hope to be doing a few more, the feedback from yourself and others is extremely encouraging and helps me see past my inner critic. I do like to leave you some varied posts lying about the place and I hope to keep up my standard, your comment did give me a big smile!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. The night is the best time to enjoy the silence, an early morning walk would mean work was imminent but at night it seems so much more relaxing. I like to mix in my past walks with my romantic view of life. I am sure in real life I would be cursing my freezing toes haha.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh I want to go to that town, so perfectly Christmassy and the falling snow adds to it so perfectly.Your poem is delightful. There is something so peaceful about walking in virgin snow and the way sound is muffled. One of my happiest memories are of growing up in the Suffolk countryside and waking up to snow. Your evocative poem reminds me of many a walk home from town in the snow…


    1. I like to think that what I wrote is like the every walk, a universal idea that everybody can take their own reminders from. It pleases me that I could remind you of you own walks and that perfect crunch of the first snows. I must say the snow is an added bonus.


  5. Glorious picture Ste, and simply wonderful words. It makes me wish that just once I could have a white Christmas. It’s never going to happen here though. Still, I suppose anything’s possible. Some parts of Sydney have had more rain in the last 10 days than they usually have all summer. Damaging winds, huge hail storms. My poor pergola has been completely shredded.


    1. You should get yourself over and experience the slippy pavements when you have handfuls of bags and then the pub calls and if you are lucky you get tinsel around your glass! Perhaps one day we should swap with each other!


      1. Regardless of the 110 degree heat on Christmas day, we still have “the works” for Christmas dinner. Much more appropriate for a snowy environment, but it wouldn’t be Christmas without turkey, ham, roast vegies, Brussels sprouts, Yorkshire pud, gravy, plum pudding and cream 🙂


  6. OMG! That picture and the image you portrayed is just beautiful!!

    I am totally jealous about the snow and even the cold for that! Lol Western Australia melts nearly every Christmas day. We have all this beautiful food yet don’t really eat that much. It’s just too hot.

    My family tend to eat more Seafood on the BBQ. Okay, leaving here envious of you. Hahaha

    Hugs Paula xxxx


    1. I’m not sure I could cope with a hot Christmas, it just seems so alien to me, I naturally brace myself for cold when I hear the word Christmas lol. Perhaps one day I will experience one though, just for curiosities sake and as an excuse for a Castlemaine XXXX of course!


      1. Hahaha! I’ve experienced Christmas is the U.K and in Europe and I think I like the warmth. Although there’s something magical about cosying up to a fire, drinking hot chocolate and looking at the Christmas Tree. Hmmm, flip a coin. Lol hugs xx


        1. Christmas is best wherever you happen to be at the time, that is the best way to look at it. It would be interesting to experience a hot one, it is an intriguing one.


  7. I love quiet, nighttime snowfall and your description was perfect—beautiful 🙂 That image is absolutely gorgeous, too…the lights and snow have that wonderful, magical quality. Of course, now that WordPress has the snow back (which I love), it really added to the ambiance! Thanks for sharing, Ste J 😀


    1. Finding the right words (finally), the snow and the picture just seemed like perfect timing, I feel it very rare a post comes off so well, so I am quite proud which for self critical me is a rare thing. I am glad you enjoyed the collective effort!


      1. I most definitely did, Ste J! I love the way you write, especially when it’s not too cryptic 🙂 Happy YOU liked how your work/post turned out 🙂


        1. I try not to be cryptic but sometimes things just happen like that, perhaps I should include a free code wheel for every reader lol. I am tough to please when it comes to myself but I am learning to be easier on myself.


          1. Ste J, I love the way you write, but I’m just the type reader who doesn’t like to struggle with hidden meanings when it’s overdone. I can’t remember you overdoing, and even if you did…lots of people LOVE that! 😀


            1. Whyen things are so cryptic that it shows, I think it ruins posts. I am glad I don’t overdo things, I tend to write about what I am writing about rather than hiding it, however if I do go a bit ambiguous feel free to tell me so because I would hate to come over as pretentious.


  8. This is wonderful. I love when you offer us your own writing. We had snow a few days ago but, alas, it has melted. I’m dreaming of a white Christmas though.


    1. I do like a white Christmas and then I like the snow to leave so I can get around, there is no pleasing some people! I am getting better at my own writings, I would like to offer up at least one a month at some point. Perhaps some sort of New Year’s resolution in the offing, if I may get ahead of myself.


        1. Then I shall definitely endeavour to put my mind to more such dabblings, I had one about a giant duck that I dreamt about but it seemed odd in the morning.


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