I Won’t Get Those Hours Back

0During this past week, I have taken to writing my posts with the TV on in the background and I curiously find myself hooked on all sorts of inane shows that distract me from my words.  Except these ones of course, which I cunningly combine with the aforementioned trash TV to make this post.

Delving into the world of daytime television is to truly descend into the underbelly of the medium.  Looking at it with a detached view is admittedly difficult and I do worry about the state of the decay…I could go on about how it’s why television is failing due to falling figures, misunderstanding the demographic of viewers and just pure dumbing down. Perhaps a cross-section of such TV will allow me to make a more informed judgement:

Millionaire Matchmaker – This is not something I would usually watch but for the purposes of variety I started watching  and it quickly became irritating in many ways.  It starts with the ghastly, arrogant and unprofessional woman who gets people together.  You have to be rich, this is important I would surmise that only the rich wouldn’t complain if the woman they have effectively employed slags them off and tell them their own mind.  It gets worse, feminism is dead here, women are paraded in front of Patti the matchmaker to be judged ostensibly on their appearance because looks are more important than personality.   She also matches up men but they aren’t judged quite as much.  They are then put together for excruciating dates.  If you love shallow people and the superficial and plastic lifestyle they lead then this is worth a watch.  To normal thinking people its offensive.  It begs the question, why people who are successful in business or just have a rich family  wouldn’t you try to better themselves personally.

Ghost Adventures – A bunch of guys go hunting ghosts and to be fair to these guys they do try…although it has the feel of aghost-adventures-banner-rules-2010-s-e1287727948218 spoof, it is most probably a real thing.  There are interviews and histories setting the scene and then the crew are finally ‘locked down’ for the night in the haunted place.  It has plenty of dramatically inflected voices and things always happen, the viewer is never disappointed.  It all gets a bit samey though, one of the crew will feel a bit funny, there are unexpected noises, orbs, voices, somebody gets pushed by an unseen force…it;’s all a bit too predictable and so less believable.  They debunk some of their own theories which is a nice touch but never seem to be able to provide definitive proof of ghosts so the show becomes a parody of itself with repeated watches.

Jeremy Kyle –  surprisingly the British version seems to be more extreme than the US version, probably because it’s real car crash TV over this side of the pond.  It’s a talk show in which the audience turn up to laugh at a bunch of people who want to air their often inexcusable private lives.  The heavy-handed nature of the stories is something to be marvelled at, if a sad story is coming up then mournful piano music tells you to feel sad, for the majority of the stories though its angry music telling you that conflict is about to arise.  These people, usually jobless cannabis smokers who sleep around are volatile, emotionally under developed and dare I say it lower class?  These people are wound up before they go on, get shouted at by the host and booed by the audience, its exploitative farce at its lowest and the cuts to the gurning audience are sickening.  There is a trade-off for watching this show, whilst you realise that your life could be worse and you could live near/be these people, any intelligent person will feel soiled and never wish to watch the show again.  It probably ruins more lives than it claims to help.

Vegas Police – Follows the police walk around Vegas and break up fights and sort out other minor shenanigans that drunk people get up to.  It’s hard to find what angle the show is going for, it’s hardly high-octane crime stopping of the variety that is easily available in other shows so I can only think it is an encouragement for people who like to party to go there.  There are plenty of shots of drunk women waving at the camera or being spied on by the voyeuristic cameramen.  It’s very light on everything including entertainment, most people are spoken to patronisingly whilst in handcuffs before being let off as the police show they are the good guys.  It’s either badly done cop propaganda or an even worse advert for the destination.

storage.huntersStorage Hunters – Now this is the only show that I am almost mildly benign about,  it’s a little different if still annoying.  Every time a storage unit is opened everybody reacts with shock…and when there is a big discovery (or not) about to be made then there is an ambiguous shout to keep the public hanging on through the ad break…or not if you are me.  It doesn’t really move me either way, it’s just predictable and the hunters themselves love to play up for the cameras…is this a real business?  It may be but somehow these people seem like characters based on real people and as ever the fantasy tries too hard and the real thing is probably much more interesting.

In conclusion,  I find there is no merit to any of this type of television, it is repetitive and uses primitive tricks to encourage the viewer to keep watching even though the makers know there is no substance to back up their shows.  The worst thing though, is the coming up montage that happens before each break as if they have to keep us enticed as if turning off would be a bad thing.  Well we should, TV stations should be held accountable for making rubbish, or perhaps that is just me because I like substance and having said that so I will now go and educate myself and feel like a real person again.  Then again I could just be a bit of a snob.

52 Replies to “I Won’t Get Those Hours Back”

    1. Doctor Who is better than that and I actually like that…although I think there was a little too much emphasis on the lesbian marriage thing, it was a good episode.


      1. I enjoyed it. “I am not your boyfriend” that said a lot about this Doctor. It’s not just lesbian, it’s also inter species. 😀 Love the Sontaran though. He’s awesome. That bit at the end – the phone call – (not saying who it is from in case people haven’t seen it) was awesome.


        1. The call was a nice surprise, I did think the whole lesbian marriage was a bit heavy handed, it had been implied before but to have it done so much did annoy me slightly…still lots to enjoy, I do like a darker Doctor…I wonder how old skool it will get in feel.


            1. Capaldi did mention the long scarf which was a nice nod…I like the darker Doctors I must admit, I look forward to the rest of the series!


              1. I do. I was wondering how many people would pick up on that. “A long scarf maybe. No, that’s silly” I do not like the start though. I don’t like it at all. I want the time vortex back. The same thing they have used for decades;


                1. It certainly is different, like anything with Who, we will probably end up liking it eventually and then things will change again. They should have gone for that crazy lava lamp style credits that the first and second Doctors had.


                  1. I agree. I shared the Comic Relief Dr Who with someone yesterday. I had to watch it first though of course. Jonathan Pryce looked very much like DelGardo’s The Master. That had the first doctor’s time stream.


                    1. I love watching all those comic Relief videos on YouTube, for some reason I always seem to miss one but that’s no bad thing when it means I get something new to watch.


                    2. I still haven’t watched the very first Children In Need one just after Eccles-Cake turns into Tennant’s Super Strength.


                    3. I don’t think I have either, I try to stagger them out, so I always know I have new Who to watch when I am pining for it.


                    4. The Chase is on, and the question was “Which one of these actresses played the Doctor in a Comic Relief Doctor Who special?” Made me snigger slightly


            2. Oh, I loved Jon Pertwee! We met him a couple of times when he came to Oz. My kids thought he was the best thing since…well, I was going to say sliced cheese, but I’ll make that Worzel Gummidge 🙂


                  1. Worzel was a scarecrow…it is a heroic name and one that should be brought back into public consciousness again. Classic Jon Pertwee, YouTube will explain all…


              1. W-wor-o-wor-r-wor-z-wor-e-wor-l-wor

                Apparently Pertwee was asked if he would attend a birthday party of someone and he refused saying he wasn’t being paid for it. At the time I thought he was nasty for that. However, he died just a couple of months later, so I think either his brain was addled or he was trying to get money for his kids.


    1. Sarcasm? What is that? Haha, I do get on a bit of a rant sometimes when things annoy me. If it makes people smile then that is a bonus and saves me from just appearing miserable.


  1. You say that you just may be a snob–well, believe me, there are things worth being snobbish about, and these tv shows (like many others similar to them in the States) are they! These shows are deliberately as dumb as possible in order to make the dumb who like to watch them feel smart and superior (present company excluded because you didn’t like watching them, I think you actually suffered). You’ll get tired of them soon enough, don’t worry, I have faith in you. I predict that long before your brains turn to mush for the zombie-system tv to suck out through your eyeballs, you will have either changed the channel, or turned off the set and gone back to a nice book.


    1. I am avoiding them now, the hypnotic nature of how bad these shows are won’t keep me down too long, I am already browsing the book shelves…it is good to see what I am missing though as it isn’t much. I can’t imagine watching these things day after day and talking about them…I’m not sure there is actually anything to talk about. It is a strange world.


  2. I have such an abhorrence for virtually all commercial TV, it’s hard to describe how deep the repulsiveness reaches. Unless you’re doing research as to what entertains the average person (and I find this subject incredibly sad), this is a complete waste of precious life. It’s one of the many things in this world that makes very apparent the state of things : /


    1. I like to think that by sacrificing my own time, my blog becomes a public service for everybody else to avoid the rubbish stuff. It is just one of the many way I like to help people, I’m a bit like Mother Teresa but with the internet.


  3. Ghost Adventures is the only show in your list that I ( used to ) watch . It’s a stupid show. There was a better one , Ghost Hunters , but after maybe 5 years, the ghost hunters themselves packed up and cancelled it . Not enough ghosts. I stopped watching when Law and Order was cancelled. I now watch History and Svience documentaries and shows on Travel , Military and Food. ( Forensic Files, too ) No more sitcoms for me.


    1. I love a good documentary, much more fulfilling than these programmes, I wonder how people would cope without the ‘idiot box’.


      1. Ste J, that’s what my father calls it, too, and in most ways, that’s exactly what it is! I have to tell you, for the past few months, finally focusing more on things that take concentration, I am rarely putting on the TV (usually as background, playing movies I’ve seen that I don’t have to watch) and I’m not missing it 🙂


        1. I do the same thing, background is fine if I want some company and the odd TV show is okay but there is so much more to do than just sit there for hours…life is not hidden in a box, although I do appreciate certain shows. I tend to feel less intelligent when I watch the box, even the documentaries are being dumbed down.


  4. It’s non rating time here in Oz at the moment, which means nearly every thing on TV is rubbish. There are a couple of exceptions – Midsomer Murders, Rosemary and Thyme, Escape to the Country, Homes Under the Hammer, The Chase, Poirot… Do you notice a pattern here? Yup, they’re all Brit shows 😀 That’s the sum total of my television viewing.


    1. I do love a bit of Poirot and Midsomer Murders myself…apologies for sending over some of our dodgy shows…at least you have Who from us. At least the shows your watching are decent…a good murder mystery keeps the great cells ticking over as opposed to the usual predictable fare.


  5. I love your exploration of daytime tv. It took me back to the time I was a student in London. I would have the television on while studying and became addicted to the oddest shows: “Watercolor Challenge” (game show with people, well, painting scenes in watercolor) and, of course, “East Enders”….


    1. Watercolour Challenge was either genius or just ironic, I could never work it out but it had me hooked. EastEnders is exactly how we all live…there is no happiness in this country just one pub and endless misery lol.


  6. Well, I knew I was in for a good read when I saw your top image from the JK show and Ste, my friend, I was not disappointed. I couldn’t agree more with all you say here in your wonderfully witty and eloquent style and if you are a bit of a snob then count me in too. The only program here that we sometimes watch is Ghost Adventures which as you say is alright to a point but a bit samey. As for JK, you summed it up…I did feel soiled after watching it and never wish to go there again. I was surprised that the British version is even worse than the American one. What has Jerry Springer started? Great post…hope you get your blogging issues sorted out soon 🙂


    1. It is weird that the Americans are less extreme, I watched a few episodes thinking it would be mayhem but I got bored waiting for the insanity to start and then one episode of the British one and I thought it superior in terms of less well adjusted members (barely) of society. I do like to rant every so often about stuff, it keeps you guys guessing about what will be coming next which can only be a good thing.

      My blogging issues are indeed sorted, my own computer skills or lack thereof was the root of the problem.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes…and what a shocking indictement of British society today…
        Always a good thing to keep us guessing, mix things up a little… 😉
        So glad you are blog-happy again – no matter the reason for the problems 🙂


  7. There are so many hours I won’t get back now that I’ve succumbed to the addiction of binge watching Netflix. Oh, there are so many excellent mysteries, adventures, and assorted stories out there just for the viewing. Amazing stuff from allover the world. But, my eyes are dry, my unfinished novel languishing and, yet, I must watch just one more episode of Breaking Bad or Happy Valley. Help me!!


    1. Netflix is evil, with that countdown between episodes…I find myself wondering if I can nip to the loo or get a drink in the 14 seconds Netflix generously gives you before the new one starts. It does sap days…like so much in life it is a question of moderation but like most things that is easier said than done lol.


  8. You are a brave soul to watch those shows and then review them for us here. I’ve not seen any of them and after reading your thoughts on such, I am not feeling I’m missing much! You are correct in that stations should be held accountable for producing such rubbish and if you are a snob for all you shared…then by that definition…I am as well!


    1. Glad to have you in the snob club, it seems you will have a whole wardrobe of T-shirts at this rate lol, so you best make some space. Like with the bad books, I watch the bad TV so you don’t have to as well. If only there was some way to get paid for my sacrifices…


  9. Argh, I had one of those bad TV-series addictions not so long ago – I went through all of the ‘Community’ seasons in less than a week…
    OK, it was not on TV, it was internet; and it was not so very bad but, still, hours are lost!.. My only conclusion was – I apparently sometimes need to let my brain to just turn off.


    1. I quite like Community, it is inventive and there are just so many tired TV series out there. I think sometimes it is good to just do nothing, sure we regret it but we have to leave some time for the books to settle in our minds.


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