New Year, New Ste-ar, (Same Old Bad Puns Though)

Happy-N-YearWhat better way is there to see in the new year than to watch cheesy end of the world disaster movies?  This year’s choices were the must see Ice Age 2012, which is truly a breathtakingly mental premise and the acting is worthy of many awards. and The Day After Tomorrow.

I love films like these two and sitting down yesterday with a free poured rum and non sugared popular soft drink, which was conveniently washing down some extra buttery pop corn, I did that life-in-films-flashing-before-my-eyes-thingy.

It’s the people….yes, that was my somewhat hidden in plain sight thought of the evening.  Then whilst the world was reaching ‘a critical desalinization point’ I came to the conclusion that this year I will treat every event as a new, exciting and memorable event and keep my face beaming with lots of positive thinking as a bit of a bonus.

For the first time ever, I have decided to do some real New Years ‘resolutions’.  Feel free to tell me if I don’t stick to them…

I shall start with you bloggers as you are here reading.   I probably spend more time with you guys than most of the people I inhabit the same place with…liking posts is usually something I only do if I have no idea what to say but want to show my support.  you guys have shown me things and ways of thought that I hadn’t and probably wouldn’t have come up with otherwise.  I would like to thank you my good friends and will attempt to be around more.  Which will probably start when I return from the US in a week or two.  Here’s my stats round-up as well, if you are interested in that sort of thing…

To the people I know offline…perhaps i need to give them more love as well, in all honesty my circle of friends…the ones I see on a regular basis has shrunk in the past year, partly due to me and partly due to circumstances and trips abroad…I need to get out there more and live money permitting.

This year I also aim to appreciate the people in my life whom I see each day for whatever reason who play a brief part in my routine.  The bartenders, baristas, shop workers and random neighbours and such like.  I miss some of those people at odd times and always wonder if they remember.  Here’s some music that I carefully chose…feel appreciated.

27 Replies to “New Year, New Ste-ar, (Same Old Bad Puns Though)”

  1. Happy New Year, Ste J! Noble goals- I’m aiming for much the same.

    I was wondering yesterday why they always seem to play the end-of-the-world-as-we-know-it disaster flicks around New Year’s. Not necessarily the most optimistic of ways with which to ring in the new…


    1. I like to think these films are a reinforcement of the ‘could be worse’ attitude that I adopt. We are so noble they should name a street after us or perhaps rename the Eiffel Tower.


  2. I hope you’ll stick to this new year’s resolution, see more of your chums, blog often. I love reading your thoughts though and please watch less cheesy disaster movies! 🙂 (I watch them a lot, it would make me a better movie director in the after life)

    Love the music!! 🙂


    1. I am hoping to be a better all round life liver this year and looking to push myself to do a lot more stuff in all respects. Disaster movies are my newest vice…perhaps I will be slightly bad and avoid your advice until I have a weekend marathon of disaster films…I love a bit of world wide calamity!


      1. Your reply reminded me of ‘Merlin,’ had no idea why! 🙂 I used to watch it before it was axed by BBC directors. You like disaster movies but you strike me like a man who would want to save the world! Be bad all you want, you’re not alone! I secretly love watching fire and brimstone kind of movies too… every one’s got a vice! 🙂 ‘I love a bit of world wide calamity’ how gruesome 😦 Since you’re keen to be bad, let’s swap ideas – watch ‘End of Days’ starring Arnold and one sullen looking actor, I’d forgotten his name or ‘Devil’s Advocate’ starring Keanu Reeves… pretty cool, with a bit of supernatural thrown in. This comment is too long! 🙂


        1. Is the name you are looking for Gabriel Byrne? I haven’t seen either of those films for years lol. I don’t mind a bit of supernatural hehe (wink face). I never watched merlin…I still haven’t watched all 800 odd doctor who episodes (including the Christmas special) and one step at a time I say! Your comments are always the perfect length no matter the word count!


  3. I haven’t seen Ice Age 2013, but loved The Day After Tomorrow. You have to love a movie where a father risks life and limb not to mention his two best friends, to rescue his son.
    Speaking of disaster movies – or perhaps a disaster of a movie – have you seen Sharknado? If not, imagine if you will, sharks being sucked up by a tornado and dumped on LA. Then imagine the scene where our hero (Ian Zierling of 90210 “fame”) stands rock solid with chainsaw in hand while a gigantic great white flies through the air towards him and opens its mouth and swallows him whole. Chainsaw starts up while his friends stand around watching as he cuts his way out. The only other actor I recognised was John Heard (yes, the John Heard). According to the executive vice president of NBCU cable net, “Every once in a while, there is a perfect storm – on television. The fans are clamoring for a sequel.” The sequel will take place in New York. I can hardly contain my excitement!! Nah, on second thoughts, I think I’ll give it a miss.


    1. I haven’t seen Sharnado yet but it does look amazing…I really need to watch it at some point. Gratuitous and hilarious violence always help the popcorn go down well. I am already looking forward to the sequel despite not having seen the first film.


  4. That’s a good number of views, and I think I may need to shut up a bit. It seems I talk a lot on your blog lol.

    I watched Ice Age 2: The Meltdown yesterday, I didn’t realise they had made another 2011 of the films though 😉

    I do hope you have a good New year and that you get to do the things you want to, and even more so of the things that you don’t know you want to at the moment.


    1. Talking is good though, I know we tend to get a little off topic sometimes but that is the way of life. keeps things interesting.

      Haha, if there was an Ice Age film for kids that featured a 1000 mile long glacier travelling at 200 mph and crushing everything (or America’s eastern seaboard) then I would love to see it…it is a mental film and one worth a good laugh.

      I am hoping to do something this year…things do need to be done. I hope yours is equally awesome.


  5. Happy New Year SteJ 🙂
    Giving some thought to what you want out of this new year is a great start. Hope you can catch some time to take them on. Wishing you many happy times with your family & friends, & lots of inspiration, smiles & laughs from your blog peeps.


    1. With you bloggers, my inspiration is certainly covered in fact I am keeping up with a healthy 109 drafts, which has been at that number for the best part of six weeks even though I keep posting. It’s always great to be chilling with the best though! (wink face)


  6. I am dancing my tail off right now. You are such a fun guy! All you need to do is wag your tail a bit and life is good. Wishing you a JOYFUL new year! Are you in the US right now? Hope you’re enjoying it!


    1. Yup, still in the US! It’s a total blast here, although being near Hanford I shouldn’t use quite that term! I promise to wag my tail copiously in that case!


  7. I love that you watch disaster movies for Christmas and New Years. It somehow keeps things in balance, hahaha! All that good cheer, right? I know I already wished you a happy new year but oh well I’m doing it again, ok? Happy New Year!


    1. I shall keep this latest happy new year for next year and then gain insurance off of it and spend that insurance on…well I don’t know the whole thing got away with me somewhat. There are no Easter disaster films that I know of so perhaps I shall hunt out my book of nursery rhymes for Humpty Dumpty and get my fix of egg-stermination that way. A second Happy New year to you too…so you can save it for next year and with the insurance…and so on and so forth.


  8. Congrats on all of your blogging success in 2013 may 2014 bring you even more blogging success. I agree 2012 was an awesome roller coaster ride of a movie.
    Best of luck with your new year’s resolutions. 🙂


    1. I hope to keep ramping those numbers up and perhaps amuse some people along the way. Glad to see that the love for 2012: Ice Age is still around hehe.


  9. I have not made New Year’s Resolutions for many years so I will be anxious to hear how you do with yours. I look forward to where your thoughts take you this year on your blog. Enjoy the remainder of your time in the US Ste J. 🙂


    1. I think it will be an interesting year for new thoughts and new books. I also look forward to blogs posts from yourself as well…happy times!


  10. Happy New Year… a few days in…bravo on the great blog and keeping it real. Much success to your resolutions in 2014! Cheers!!


    1. Belated wishes are always welcome and right backatcha. I will keep it real and endeavour to keep it great but only of you do!


  11. Seven days into the new year, and I am ready for a break already. Bring on the cheesy end of the world disaster movies! I hope you have a great year.


    1. Ditto yourself sir…Netflix has been keeping me happy in the cheesey regard for a while now…nothing beats doom and destruction except doom and estruction with pop corn.


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