Keeping Those Cockles Warm

The weather has been worse than Scrooge at Christmas recently, which neatly reflects my view on shopping for it this year so far.  Still lethargy and annoyance aside, you need to keep warm at this time of year and as people haven’t put up their Christmas trees, then kindly left their curtains open for me to peer into their homes yet,  I have to find other things that keep me warm, so here are a few things that always make me happy and toasty inside:

First off is a piece of music I love from a really underrated film Sunshine, I am normally a cheesy 80’s film soundtrack man but this always conjures up the vastness of space and reminds me of our smallness in the grand design and of the absolute power might and majesty of the sun.  Also there is a feeling of connection with the ancient sun worshipping peoples that this film manages to convey, a primal urge if you will.

As yo may have gathered I am a not very photogenic person (hence the lack of me that features on this site) and I’m not a fan of snow either, but this photo always brings fond memories to mind.  Festivally enough it was a silent night when I took this photo. The last Tuesday night at my favourite ever pub before it shut down.  I took this on my new fangled phone, by which I mean it was a year behind the models of everyone elses portable speaking contraptions.  I had some real good times and met some awesome there and got various looks when slapping War and Peace on the bar too.  It was sad to say good bye…

Of course no post from me would be complete without the now obglitagary (or so it might seem) reference to melancholy, Six Differences is a simple game of spot the difference but some trippy music courtesy of Nine Inch Nails and some wonderfully realised locations (with moving bits),  it’s a game I love to sink into even though I have memorised all the differences.  What makes it so good is the variety of locations, from the run down to the chilled perspectives that make it lovely but just also plain weird.  It is a game encompassing so many subtle little themes, it’s rather ingenious for a simple game to have layers.  Sometimes I just leave it on in the background for the relaxing music, I spend more time with this game than I do with 80% of people I know and I did actually work that out with a pen and paper.

Having managed a whole post without referring to the ‘B’ word, as a reward I demand (politely) for the things that make you feel warm inside. And I promise to do some reviews next as well.

27 Replies to “Keeping Those Cockles Warm”

  1. This is probably my favourite blog post ever. It’s just so…uplifting without being cheesey or schmaltzy. And that music from ‘Sunshine’ is really powerful, almost melancholy but not quite. A brilliant post. It’s nice to know you haven’t let the cold weather dampen your spirits. I’ve been inspired to do something similar!


    1. When the cold weather kicks in I find a spirit helps, like Scrooge but I for the liquid ones. Then regret it, then come home and write a post. Such is life. I am glad for once not to have done a cheesy post. Glad you are back blogging as well sirrah, I shall pop over to your blog right……!


  2. I just saw this movie not too long ago…okay, maybe it was about 5 or 6 months…ish… 🙂 I agree it was underrated and this clip is awesome! Two of my favorite things are watching good sci-fi or making fun of cheesy sci-fi movies…I thought this one…was one to watch, not to mock.


    1. Agreed, I’m no critic and I love my cheese but the films with an edge Sunshine, Moon, Event Horizon, etc are always more preferable. Having said that, Flash Gordon was a fantastic romp.


      1. Most definitely!! May I say excellent list of movies 🙂 Oh! Flash Gordon….love that movie! It was the ‘on purpose’ cheese….makes it even better….now I have the theme song stuck in my head :p Have you by chance seen the cheesy 80s sci-fi comedy Ice Pirates?


        1. I have not seen that but the YouTube trailer looks immense, and then I watched the Battletruck trailer which looked perfectly cheesy too, I could watch films like that every day. You have given me new drive to get see these two beauties.


          1. Oh it’s definitely a fun watch!! 😀 Ooo…I haven’t seen the other you mentioned…lol perfectly cheesy…guess I have to check it out! Agreed…I could totally watch movies like these all the time 🙂


            1. Films are to high budget these days, I can’t be doing with all the fake CGI give a blatantly obvious manikin getting run over any time. I suppose that is why I enjoy watch old Doctor Who so much.


              1. I have to agree with you…although in some films…it’s worth it…I’m thinking for one example – The Matrix (trend setting for how it was filmed). As for Doctor Who…wellll you’ll get no argument from me there…my favorite all time show! 😀


                1. Yeah The Matrix, I shall make exceptions, that was a sweeping statement which I take back. Good to see another Whovian, I have a half finished post for that I was going to wait until the 50th anniversary to post but that’s not until next November so I shall finish it in the new year hopefully, although it’s such a diverse topic it’s hard not to digress.


                  1. Always very very cool to meet another Whovian indeed!! 😀 I shall look forward to that post. 🙂 It is a wonderful testament to a brilliant idea (and excellent writers of course) that the show could last for 50 years!


                    1. Exactly the sentiments I thought I would put in the post, having said that reading an issue of the Doctor Who Magazine makes me think that I haven’t considered half as much stuff as i need too. I like a challenge though.


    1. An honour, I have missed you, I kept popping over to keep your hit rate up though as I am nice. Glad you are back with Christmas gifts hehe. Thank you so much it is a lovely honour to have.


    1. I didn’t expect ti to come out well but when it did I was proud of it. The first picture I took with that phone too. It was a nice night that some darts, some strawberry concoction and only three of us in the place.


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