The Tale of the Leibster and the Gargie

Recently I have had a couple of awards sent my way from a couple of nice people and it’s with a huge thank you to Sandra and Bruce for nominating me and for producing quality blogs, so I shall be sharing the love for a few fellow bloggers which if you haven’t checked out I wholeheartedly recommend you do so, enjoy!:

Also I have some questions to answer:

What first inspired you to start writing a blog?  To share my passion with other people and make friends, classic reasons really.  I wish it I had more dramatic reasoning really.

What is the biggest challenge you have had to face when writing a blog?  That would easily be the review I wrote for Up In The Bronx (by Stephen Baum) which was the first time I really understood the idea of consequences to my writing.

If you travelled through time, what time would you want to arrive at and why?  I would go back to the last time the Euro millions lottery was at 80 million and use the numbers myself for a big wodge of wonga, I would also like to travel forward in time and see all the things that go on and see how we are viewed in this century.

Do you prefer to ear chocolate, sweets or neither?  I’m not really fussed about either, unless I fancy something a bit nice.

Do you prefer to read or write?  I prefer to read but I’m getting into writing more, but reading will always win.

What is your favourite genre of writing and why?  I love magical realism but any sort of ‘proper’ literature makes me happy.

What is your favourite non-fiction topic to read about and why?  History fascinates me, World War One is a bit of an obsession but any history goes for me.

If you could buy one book that would help you solve a problem in your life, what would it be and why?  I would buy the Da Vinci Code to burn and keep warm, it would save on the extortionate heating bills for a bit. 

Do you prefer to write at night or during the day? I write an any time but prefer late afternoons, around 4 o’ clock is when the magic happens.

If you could be any character from a book, who would you be and why?  Renfield from Dracula would be a fascinating character to get into the mindset of.  I’m sure that isn’t a popular answer to that question.

Do you prefer to read a printed book or an e-Book?  Printed books all the way,  I love the texture, the smell and it’s always handy to be able to flick back to a page straight away.

26 Replies to “The Tale of the Leibster and the Gargie”

  1. You must truly hate the Davinci code lol. Great answers Steve and well deserved awards.

    Will be sure to tell Santa to bring the Davinci code your way, if only to burn :). Have a lovely weekend my friend. Keep up the great work


    1. I am not a fan, but I’m subtle about it lol. It stresses me out sometimes for no apparent reason. I hope your weekend is also a great ‘un!


  2. Congratulations on the much deserved awards (and many thanks for the nomination). Can just imagine you writing in the pub at 4pm 🙂

    Looking forward to checking out the other blogs I’m not familiar with yet.


    1. There has been little pub writing of late, so now I feel an obligation to renew that particular tradition, pleasant obligations are always the best ones.


  3. Very well-deserved awards and a most humble thanks for the nomination. I loved your answers but particularly the following: traveling through time (great answer), burning the Da Vinci Code (lol), and Renfield from Dracula (big thumbs up). Love your writing Ste J. 🙂


    1. Renfield makes the second half of that book, anyone with a different way of looking at things fascinates me, as for the Da Vinci Code, I know I am predictable but that book will always annoy me. Happy to share your blog with people who haven’t yet experienced the pleasure.


  4. Oh, thank youuuuuu !

    I’m an occassional blogger who writes once or twice a month ( because there’s really nothing much to tell ) I don’t have themes, can’t write longer than one paragraph, and goes straight to the point. Therefore I’m not a writer. Anyway, thank you for the award. I’m going to acknowledge it after my so -called travelogue, lol. I’m saving this for another topic, yay. Now i have something to write about.

    Cheers !


    1. Yay, more words from you. I like your stuff and combine that with my almost, possibly, sometimes patient nature and I am happy to visit you lots and wait for more excitement, your words are great and your pictures have a certain artistic flair also.


  5. Thank you for the nominations, Steve. As for your greatest challenge being the review you wrote of my book, I’ve already told you that I’ve stepped down off the ledge of the Golden Gate bridge. I’ve decided to live! As for the rest of your writing, it’s all of it consequential, and it’s always important to try to do it as well as you can. Which you do, I think. So hats off to you. And congrats on the awards.


    1. Living is good when the books you read are good, so to keep me happy it is good you decided to live lol. I am now on the look out for more challenges, I aim to push the boundaries like a velociraptor looking for a weak point in an electric fence.


  6. I love your answer about the lottery. I am interested to know what you mean by the genre Magical Realism? By ‘proper’ literature, do you mean the classics like Charles Dickens?


    1. ‘Proper’ literature is anything recognised as great or soon to be great, in my opinion at least. Magical Realism would be stuff such as Calvino, Marquez, Eco and probably at a push such writers as Murakami. Anything that takes historical or modern life and adds a twist of something unexpected or an idea that makes things more…well magical, but always in a certain sense. My adjectiveness is not what it should be today, happily my penchant for making up words is!


  7. Well-deserved J. Congratulations for these shining stars on your blog. 🙂
    Coming from you J, these awards mean a lot! So thank you much for considering me deserving of them. I haven’t yet written a post crediting you for the awards. But will do shortly. I consider weekends good for announcing the same.

    My addiction with books & reading keeps rising sky-high every-time I’m here. Sorta addicted to your blog! 😉

    Keep writing J. I’ll keep peeking from time to time for more.



    1. High praise indeed, I don’t think I have had an addict before. I took a long while from being nominated myself to choosing blogs because I get picky but you were an easy choice. I like going over to your site, as I shall be later. It’s reading such quality blogs as the ones I listed that keeps me inspired and motivated, so really you guys make my blog what it is by making yours so immensely interesting.


    1. Wow why thank you very much, I fail to go on your blog for four days and already have two stars, it’s a wonderful honour and one I may have to think long and hard about, to many good blogs out there! Which is one of those happy complaints.


      1. Your welcome. This is an odd one, with a variety of stuff to do, so a little time consuming, however a nice way to pick up more of the multimedia readership and interaction, if you have time!


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