Daydreams of Summertime

Whilst wondering what to write about today, I went off into a daydream which fortuitously for me was of a place I once visited and has given me some thoughts of which I will now attempt to put into words…

Although as time passes memories become hazy to us, it is amazing how much clarity can be retained in the subconscious. For me I recalled a quiet copse somewhere in Derbyshire where I once sat. I didn’t dwell there for very long sadly because time was pressing on and back then I wouldn’t have appreciated it for what it was half as much as I do now.

This place of simple perfection…for that’s what it truly was, is situated somewhere between the beautiful and imposing hills beyond Castleton – famous for it’s cavern called The Devil’s Arse – and the Ladybower Reservoir, where trials for the bouncing bomb that would be used to great effect by the Dambusters in WWII took place. Continue reading “Daydreams of Summertime”