Day Off Dalliances

Having a well deserved day off yesterday, I set off for Nottingham, a trip I have been planning for ages.  I say planning, I assumed it would all work out for the best as I hadn’t actually bothered to find out where anything was.  A quick trip to the Tourist Information Centre helped me on my haphazard quest to find stuff of interest and gave me the best day off I’ve had in ages.SAM_1533Naturally my first stop was to a bookshop but predictably I couldn’t actually remember any of the hundreds of books recommended by your good selves, so left empty handed but still upbeat.  I found myself pottering down a hill to find a big church, it is always impressive to find one that is at the heart of the city centre, tucked in between all the mobile phone shops and bakeries.SAM_1532Nottingham of course is central to many things, most notably Robin Hood and the two football teams of course but it has a charm of its own.  Although it is a busy place, it has a sense of calmness about it, which makes it a great place for sitting and writing, which is what I succeeded in doing in my nine hour wandering.SAM_1538As well as pottering around a couple of churches which were sadly closed that day, I managed to find an independent bookshop where all the money made goes to charity so I had to purchase three books, which was the first time I have purchased a book in England since April 2013. SAM_1631No trip to Nottingham is complete without a trip to The Pit and the Pendulum, a Gothic pub that always makes a pint more refreshing.  I managed to read a little of my latest horror book as well as was befitting such a place.SAM_1627I randomly decided to spurge on a custom made t-shirt from the market, making up the words on the spot.  For a small price and half an hours wait, it shall now become my default top for when I am doing something with you guys in mind.

Notts! 123I have missed out a great wodge of my day as there was way to much to fit into this post, next time I shall tell you all about Nottingham Castle museum which had some wonderful exhibitions.

64 Replies to “Day Off Dalliances”

  1. Looks like a lovely place, though in my mind I envisioned more Green Forests and Long winding Roads leading to nowhere, rather than brick and morter. There goes my romantical notions! Looks like it was a lovely bookshop, Sadly ours in America hold none of it’s calibur of charm.,But the T-shirt and quirky grin make up for it somehow 🙂


    1. There are much more quaint and intimate places than Nottingham, having said that I didn’t explore all that I could and that bit was the city centre which will have been renovated countless times. The bookshop in the photo was a big expensive one, the second hand one I went to later was smaller but I forgot to take photos as there were books around. I am not the most photogenic but that came off better than usual, which is not difficult.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Is Nottingham a place in England or part of London? Hmmm… where did we stay in London? I remember it was Nottingham… I was sure it was where this Julia Roberts’ movie was shot.


    1. You are thinking of Notting Hill. Nottingham is situated in the Midlands about 200 miles north of London. It is famous for Robin Hood and Wayne manor these days.


  3. Glad you had a great day. Sometimes, it’s just fun to cast around and explore, though it does sound as if some parts were planned ahead. You’re a true free spirit, Ste J!


    1. My only plan was go to Nottingham, I was aware of a few things to do but I had no plan of where I would go…it is nice to take things in passing, I knew the pubs would make a good excuse to write but that is my excuse any time I am near a pub.


  4. Sounds like you had a fun day SteJ. One day when I win the lotto, first thing I’m doing is planning a trip to England. But in the meanwhile, I’m looking forward to the post on Nottingham Castle museum. I love old castles and churches. Sadly, we’re a bit short of those here in Oz.


    1. We do have an embarrassing wealth of historical riches which I sometimes take for granted because I live here, this post has been a good reminder for me to appreciate what I have. I am surprised no wealthy business man has tried to import one, I believe some guys in America did it last century, had it taken down over here and rebuilt brick by brick over there. That is impressive, if slightly mad.


    1. I am learning to be off the cuff these days which didn’t used to be me but I do like to do things for you guys so what better way than to get a T-shirt telling the world. What an oversight not mentioning the books I picked up, they are The Shipping News – Annie Proulx, which is not my usual fare but I had read a book about the Shipping Forecast another blogger mentioned it so it was like fate. Astonishing the Gods – Ben Okri, as I am still undecided about him after reading In Arcadia and finally and somewhat surprisingly even to me Cormac McCarthy’s The Sunset Limited, I haven’t been impressed with thw two books of his I have read yet the blurb always sounds intriguing and the money was going to charity after all.


    1. I haven’t been to Hucknall in years but it does have loads of buses go there from Nottingham so you should get yourself over for a visit, live that history and sample our brews.


  5. Great shirt!! It’s so much fun to walk around a new city. There’s that wonderful feeling of anonymity and freedom (spoken as if I am usually hounded by fans everywhere I go).


    1. I can imagine you trying to avoid the paparazzi who obsess over your every move. It is nice to just wander around and find the hidden nooks and crannies where you can go and have a sit down and reflect before heading into the hustle and bustle. My new top will be with me every time I do something blogger inspired.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Why thank you! I haven’t done awards for a while now due to time constraints but I am honoured that you would think of me. Apologies for not participating, I shall continue following your blog with much enthusiasm and interest.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. What a great day out, love this post Ste and I love your tee-shirt! Very interesting to know that Nottingham is a calm place conducive to sitting and writing, who knew? As for the Pit and the Pendulum I would love to have a drink there. Shame about the churches being closed but looking forward to hearing about the castle museum. My kind of place 🙂


    1. I should have planned ahead, I had been looking forward to the trip for a week or so but things always got in the way and I knew something would turn up, I wouldn’t mind going again and doing it properly. I am going to wander to a cathedral at some point as well which will have some even more wonderful architecture, I will have to plan that trip better though. The Pit is a great place, there were three of us taking photos at one point, it is well worth a look should you find yourself this way on. A few drinks and the blog posts just flow in my considerable experience.


      1. Ahh…that is so often the way, happens to me all the time. But you must go again and yes, make sure to get those pints in so that your wonderful blog posts do indeed flow…the church and the cathedral await you Ste 🙂


        1. Encouraging me to drink, I can go with that! I will try not to go into any holy place with the aroma of beer surrounding me though lol.


  7. Pics of secondhand bookshops would be nice to see next time. Was it Bookwise?

    The Pit and the Pendulum looks like the Jekyll and Hyde in Edinburgh (but with wheelchair access).


    1. it was Bookwise I stumbled upon, now that Geoff Blore’s in Sherwood has gone, I need to find the other bookshop that the guys owns. I was to into the books to consider photographing it, next time I am that way on I will do so though.

      I just checked some images out for the Jekyll and Hyde, it looks similar, I am happy to frequent at any pub that nods to classic literary works, it certainly is something worth drinking to.


  8. Hey, there you are! 🙂 Great to see you and put a face to a little brother. 🙂

    I love the U.K and especially those lovely little bakeries and pubs! I’m really glad you posted photos as I love looking at them! Glad you had a great day. Now, can I please have a cup of tea? 🙂 Hugs Paula xxx


    1. A cup of tea, or something stronger? I could get into this photo malarkey, I am not as good at it as many other people but with a bit of practise, I dare say I could take a decent photo. My rictus grin always comes over my face when I have a photo taken but I sacrifice everything for my wonderful readers, you should the tattoo I got on my…well I’ll save that for another day lol. xx


      1. Hahahaha! I can’t stop laughing at my computer, how weird is that? Lol Actually I’m a bourbon girl from way back. Yet in this day and age it’s kind of frowned upon as if your a bogon. Which I can assure you I am not! I thought I had shown my tattoo on my blog, but I can’t seem to find a post about it, oh well! Lol Hugs xx


        1. That is fascinating stuff, I need to travel down your way at some point, my list of places to go is as big as my book list!


  9. I love that you had a day like this. Planned can be good, but unplanned can be, too 🙂 LOVE that pub and I think that’s quite the snazzy t-shirt 😀


    1. I picked the colours as well as the words, so I am glad it looks good, I am not known for my fashion sense. Planned would have allowed me to get more in but not planning allows me time to sit and reflect rather than keeping to a schedule and forgetting some of my thoughts.


      1. yes, and “planned” wouldn’t have afforded us the wonderful post you put up afterwards—the one I love so much, so this time unplanned worked 😀


        1. I shall carry on not planning, or at least doing the least planning possible so I can keep you happy with my words and such.


    1. Off the cuff decisions are great, next time I may get one with my own face on, just for the comedy value. Nottingham is a good mix of old and new, pleasantly busy but not overcrowded. I think you would love it in amongst the wild life and museums.


  10. Sounds like a you had a great day out & about as Robin in the hood.
    LOVE the shirt.
    And – love that you shared a pic of you wearing it rather than just a pic of the shirt.


    1. I was debating just taking a photo of it the shirt but chose to subject you all to my face instead. It was a top day and hopefully more days out in the new year.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Love that you wrote a post about your travels. Since your little neck of the woods is on my list of places to explore, it was lovely to get a glimpse. Great to see a shot of you Ste J sporting your new shirt.


    1. I thought it was about time that you saw my face again as it has been almost a year since I last stuck my face on here, I believe. It is good to tantalise you and also encourage you over, I would be honoured to be your guide and to discover new things with you. Having said that I would love to do the same thing over your side of the pond as well.


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