Find the Duck – Claudia Zeff (Illustrated by Stephen Cartright)


Before I start this, I have to tell you that I have just decided to read a book called Gateway to Atlantis: The Search For the Source of a Lost Civilisation.  The only reason I chose to read it is because the first two words on the back cover are ‘Learned and erudite’.  Comment leavers of the last post will find that half amusing I am sure, anyway, on with the post…

One Christmas I received this work of art and let me tell you it kept me entertained for minutes. Fifteen actually due to my short-sighted, colour blind, (with all the depth perception of a blindfolded cyclops) eyes.

Humiliation and excuses aside, this is one epic book…if you are three.  To find the duck, ‘The’ duck, not one of the thousands of impostors but the original one.

It’s great to indulge in being a child all over again but there is perhaps too much in the way of regression in this book to entice you. Look deeper though, into the powerful subtext.  Just like Where’s Wally? this book poses that existential question of, who am I?

Aside from the question, how does finding a mallard aid us in such a huge life inquiry, you may also be wondering if a bump or fall has afflicted the head of your adventurous reviewer.  well to the second question, I answer you by sitting atop a traffic cone and saying ‘bibble’.

To the first, I would argue, however tenuously (yet tenaciously), that to find the duck is to, by extension, find yourself and achieve enlightenment, a sense of satisfaction and most importantly a sense of inner peace.  I am sometimes amazed that this is not the holy book of a recently founded religion.

When the question ‘where is the duck?’ is asked, the question may as well be how big is infinite and what do aliens look like, the real ones, not those made up ones that people are always seeing.  An enigma entwined deeply in a riddle, to say the least.  Perhaps the question can only truly be answered on a material level, such as *SPOILERS* he’s on the shelf, he’s partially under a towel *SPOILERS END, but on a spiritual level the complex equations of labyrinthine proportions are just to heady for me.

Such dilemmas are personal and unique to us all but if you have an excuse, say a three year old, buy it so you can contemplate the wonders of life and everything in existence and all that entails.  Considering its weighty  and influential ideas that will (possibly) cause a major rethink into the way we view the whole of Philosophy, this book is actually wasted on children.

36 Replies to “Find the Duck – Claudia Zeff (Illustrated by Stephen Cartright)”

  1. Learned and erudite…that is way too deep for my 9th-Grade educated brain to comprehend! I do however, like the cover of the Find the Duck book. It’s bright and cheerful and the cover alone, teaches a very important lesson to three year olds…always replace your toothbrush when it becomes shaggy – like the duck’s – otherwise, like the duck, you’ll end up with no teeth.


    1. Wise words indeed, I imagine a Planet of the Apes type scenario where the ducks take over but are friendlier and tell humourous jokes like the ones in Christmas crackers. Our toothbrushes are always cared for as well, it is a strange world….


  2. I love the way your mind works!! Most people (including me) would have never taken the time to realize the true existentialistic wonder of this book! I’m sure the title would put many off but I have a feeling sales might increase after your thoughtful provoking and erudite review (wink)! xxxx


    1. It has so much depth to it, as a book it can be read on many levels as a guide to life it is essential and powerful to boot. The simplistic title is just another reference to the hidden secrets of life, which no doubt the Templars and Free Masons have known about for years. Now that conspiracy theory may raise sales. xxxx


    1. At the moment, and i haven’t got very far into it, it seems like a decent book, no mention of aliens which is always a plus point. I shall keep you appraised.


  3. Haha! In love kids books. Every time I have my grandsons ( 3 & 7) I always read to them. I shall look for this book. Looking for Wally is like this huge challenge and I hate failing!! LMAO. Hugs Paula xxx


    1. Now that is a book, not only is he there to find, but there are a load more characters to check out too, it gets a bit crazy. Did you hear about the time they had to recall a lot of books because there was a topless woman in the beach scene, lol.


  4. Wow, the meaning of life by finding the duck of it all! Just Ducky, (sorry couldn’t help myself) but you have left me intrigued. I’ll need to check this one out! 🙂


      1. Well then I will be glad to take full credit for this, SteJ. Thinking out of the box (or getting rid of the box altogether so there’s more room for creative expression) is a very good thing my friend! xx (okay so that’s going to be my pennyquote for the day, lol!


        1. Yeah boxes are fine but they do get in the way and sometimes go mouldy. Like some of my old magazines…I’ll be okay though, it’s just hard to let those guys go to the recycle bin in the sky….after I lob ’em in the recycle bin in the back yard.


  5. Oh, and for those die-hard seekers after truth, this book is part of a series. So really the foundational canon for a new religion is just sitting waiting to be taken up and distributed in a zealous and enthusiastic fashion.


    1. I will have to hunt out the rest, who knows what other mysteries of the universe could be solved just by spending a bit of time contemplating…


  6. Now this is my kind of book! Finding ducks sounds like a fun game! and I find it interesting that you are going from Finding Ducks to Searching for Lost Civilizations. Good luck on the hunt.


  7. Knowing this book means to appeal to young children, few adults would take the time to read it (except to their children) much less dig deeper as you have. I love the wanderings of your mind! 🙂


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