The About Bit

I felt a new About Bit was probably in order now that I seem to have shipwrecked myself on the rocky shores of the blogging community for good. Starting out, as I did back in the day as primarily a book blog now, I tend to write whatever wild winds of whimsy lead me too. A lot of that will be from The Philippines as that is where the said winds did blow me.

Everyone calls me Ste J, I am an obsessive book creature, in fact I spend more time between the (book) covers (I read in bed as well though) than I do with ‘real’ people. Which means I probably spend more time with you guys than anyone else. Feel privileged.  When not reading for fun, I work for two book publishers casting my eye over manuscripts, editing and proofreading.  Which is actually fun as well!


I have an urge to read as much as I can, in any genre and give my forthright and sometimes slightly obscure opinions on books and whatever other thing takes my fancy, such as life, or gnomes, although I haven’t done a gnome post yet…


Here you will find provided, an eclectic mix of stuff for your reading pleasure, when it comes to books, I intentionally do not reveal much plot, if you fancy reading it, you don’t want me coming along and telling you the butler did it or such like. Not that I’m saying he did do it, but he could have.



As a public service I also read the rubbish books so you don’t have too, as well as delighting in finding the obscure to amuse you. I am also looking to review more authors who are self publishing and attempting to vary the content more and grow this into something interesting. Feel free to look around and make yourself at home, there’s tea in the pot.


Recently I have taken to adding more posts on things not found in a book (or those infernal e-readers), so although I am primarily a bookist, I wish to keep it varied and hopefully bring you a more different and whimsical variety of posts.  Enjoy….


Take the risk of thinking for yourself, much more happiness, truth, beauty and wisdom will come to you that wayChristopher Hitchens



183 Replies to “The About Bit”

  1. I have recently started with the book-based-blog and it’s number three that’s the toughie – write a decent and helpful review without spoilers …


    1. I tend to expand slightly on the information on the back of the book, then chat in a general sense about, the characters, themes and nuances of the book, avoiding the plot apart from to describe its generalities, was it twisty/turny, emotional etc. It is a fine balance but as long as you avoid spoilers you should be on the right track.


  2. It’s so hard to do all three – and yet so rewarding. I’m mostly playing catch up with my reviews now.. I can’t wait to be current. I’ve actually *gasp* slowed my reading down till I catch up.


    1. Wow! Slowing down, I bet that’s hard to do. I wish I could I could catch up….maybe one day, when i’ve read everything I want to read, if that will ever be possible.


  3. I nominated you for The Very Inspiring Blogger Award! If you want to accept you can write a post following the rules similar to what I did on my blog (or google the name of the award and see what others have done). But you don’t have to if you don’t want to – it’s just a fun way to spotlight blogs that we like 🙂


    1. Wow!!(!) that’s very kind of you, haven’t been up for a blogging award. I shall check it out now. And you have hit a double whammy by being the person whose hit has given me my most prolific day to date. I owe you a soft drink of your choosing!


  4. Thanks for your visits to my blog. Will have to catch yours too.
    I’m not a “reader” (I hang my head half in shame as I type this. Can’t hang it too low or I can’t see what I’m typing). Anywho – maybe one day one of the reviews will smack me upside the head & say “Read me.”


    1. Would shiny pictures help, maybe I should do a free gift for subscribers, or at least claim one just for the view rush. I am a bit mercanery in my ways lol.


  5. Hi Ste, thanks so much for following my blog. I was really interested in the books you’ve chosen to review. Definitely a few titles I’ve never heard of and will have to go on the To-Read list!


    1. I’ve found the same with your page, you have read loads I am not familiar with, however I am always up for more book ideas to add to the ridiculously long list. Let the book ideas swapping information commence!!!


  6. You put that well. There is peace in a book. It happens to me many times. I was very absorbed in what I was reading that I didn’t notice my friends’ bickering turned to a fist fight or something. Haha! But also true, no clashing and flashy colors for me too


      1. That sounds nice! I’d let them kill each other as long as my book won’t have even a tiny drop of blood from them. I’m kind of OC with my books. I hate it when others borrow mine then return it with a. creases in the spine, b. dog eared pages, c. stains!!!


        1. I am with you there, I can’t abide damage to the books. I sometimes carry them around in my hands so they don’t move around in my backpack and get creases on the corners. I would rather buy someone a book I like than lend it out. When people lend me books I always try and read them quickly and not damage them either. Another thing we have in common!


          1. I do the same thing too especially with hardbound books! Though not always. I prefer putting them in my book bag than risk them to fall on a ground and injure themselves. I also love giving books to people especially those who do not read, but sometimes it can be costly. So I just lend them some of mine but with a warning.

            We have much in common. Speaking of lending books, I have a lots which were not returned to me. That’s really sad.


            1. I also have a few that have been out of my posession for a while, I don’t mind but they aren’t being read and I fancy reviewing them now. I know what you mean about it being expensive, we are kind souls though. Do you often find the warnings are essentially threats for the well being of the books though?


              1. I agree I have a soul, but kind? I’m not sure about that 🙂 You are correct. They are threats wrapped sweetly that the lenders have to abide or else…


    1. Awards are always great, naturally, I shall do a post soon, it is high time I saluted the o=wonderful blogs out there and of course namechack your own! Thanks once again.


  7. man, writing reviews is hard hard. i used to run a little magazine in london which was based around reviews and apart from the energy required to get around london meeting people, drinking beer and getting the mag out there the HARDEST part was the review writing – other writing yes ok not too bad but reviews.. so yeh big respect on your conversational amusing style. i might check some of these books out. thanks.


    1. Thank you also, I do get a bit stressed writing them, most self imposed i admit but I like to post every two or three days and reviews I think are what I do best. Oddly the ones I think I can do better on usually seem to get the most likes but that is life. Appreciate your comments though, makes reviewing worth it to know people are reading and liking what I put down.


  8. You stopped by the Book Boosters page, and that usually means an interest in joining the roll call of bibliophiles. Let me know if you care to be cancelled. I’m a bit behind on this–apologies.
    Happy Pages,


    1. Heck no, keep me up there with all the really good blogs you are showcasing. I am a bit behind on going through them all, I started but then things got in the way, so I really need to get back on the list and enjoy those other blogs.


              1. Eagle-Eyed Editor gave me the idea with the virtual parties hosted on their site. Lamp shades and all! But we probably won’t get quite so crazy…


                    1. I believe some guy form ‘those days’ attempted to sail from London all the way from the mouth of the Thames in a cardboard boat, he failed. It may have been a poet, not sure where i read this, if only he would have gone the shoe route, life would have been fine.


  9. S,
    I like the way you’ve organized your categories. I may try to copy the system. I have a Library, but no one seems to use it. The way you have it is handy.


    1. It’s more for me than anyone else, I can see what I need to update on and then roundly ignore it in favour of something else, I’m not sure if many people use it unless they have a favoured genre they like, but worth a go for those extra hits I would say.


  10. When I started my blog I thought it was basically to be a place to store my writings and have them available for the curious – a Stephen Baum library. But people generally look at the latest posts and don’t go to the library section. But I do like the way you’ve arranged yours.


    1. Any excuse to make people browse, I’m not sure if people use the categories or the pages with the authors, My freestyle writing posts don’t gte as much love s it may be that. Having said that depends how you arrange your categories and on your clientele, (blogentele?) and their tastes.


  11. I still prefer calling you ‘J’, just J. And wondering how I didn’t get around reading this section earlier than now. And I still feel belittled with the kind of books you read and the numbers of them. I hope I reach there one day. BTW, how have you been?



    1. Don’t be belittled, after all anyone who tackles Russian literature can tackle pretty much anything else. I haven’t read half as much this year either if that helps? You may call me what you like as long as it isn’t Trudy.

      I am good, got the body clock back to normal and am just getting used to working and other such dull and pointless distractions from the business of living and making friends. How goes your good self?


      1. ‘Tackle Russian literature’!! LOL! you make it sound like a monster, a deadly one at that. A Tolstoy admirer can devour anything, I guess! And that reminds me if thou hast started Anna Karenina or still to be?
        Been good if you don’t count the sight of the books lying, waiting to be read. World is an absolute pleasant sight otherwise.


        1. I am glad things are going well for you, excepting the books, but then again these to be read piles never really dwindle when you are a fanatic like our amazing selves. I haven’t started Anna Karenina yet but hope to sometime this year. Russian literature does seem a bit intimidating from the outside but you’re right after War and Peace nothing really has me afeared anymore.


  12. Thanks for dropping by my blog Ste J and liking Calm Before the Storm and especially for deciding to follow. I hope you continue to enjoy my posts 🙂


  13. Hi and thanks for checking out my blog. I like the photo of you….deep thought and concentration! 🙂
    I hope you had a great weekend! Hugs Paula xx


    1. Thanks, I like to appear all philosophical and analytical but really I am just a bit confused and forgetful, my weekend involved reading and sleeping so very productive. I hope yours was equally if not more awesome?


        1. I am awesome, not that I like to brag, but seriously, which is my middle name by the way, I am glad to amuse you and long may it continue.


  14. Great blog btw. I noticed you don’t have a ‘religion’ category on your side menu. Lol.

    I figured perhaps you preferred to stick to literature – but then noticed you did have ‘philosophy’, ‘art’, ‘history’ categories etc…

    Food for thought. That’s all. 🙂


    1. I put any books of religion in with philosophy, I haven’t read that many ‘religious’ books but if something crops up I will happily devour it for the perspective. Perhaps it should have its own category though….


          1. Good idea. (I’d like to make a suggestion, if I may, and then stop annoying you: ‘Islam and the destiny of man’ by Gai Eaton) 🙂

            Peace out


  15. Hi, Ste J. I’m a frequent reader of your site, and I wanted to pass on a nomination to you for one of the awards currently making the rounds. It’s called the “Mix-It-Up Day: Sunshine Blog Award,” and I’ve broken one of the rules from the very beginning of my own participation by not knowing how to grab the logo for the award and situate it on my site. I did give it a verbal nod, however, and the rest of the rules are on my site with my post for today (June 2, 2013). If you’re inclined to participate, just follow the rules; if you know how to access logos from other sites and want to use the award logo with your participation, D. J. at is the person who nominated me, and he has the logo on his site. Sorry to be so round-about, but I’m a real computer klutz, mainly just a reader and writer. Here’s to you and your site: whether you feel like participating or not, I hope you’ll see this as praise. Kudos to you!


    1. Thank you very muchly, you have wonderful timing for I am so far behind on awards that I need to do a post indicating the many wonderful blogs that are out there. I enjoy your rule breaking attitude, I struggle to do much of complexity in a technological sense as well. I would much rather hide in words. it means a lot to be nominated and I appreciate your support, it keeps me finding the impetus and enthusiasm to blog. Cheers!


  16. I’ve enjoyed reading your reviews and posts. Although I don’t have the time to read even half of the books I want, I do like reading book reviews so I know what I’ll want to read when I get more time available. Glad you will be reviewing the classics as the book blogs that I follow don’t. Thanks for following my blog. I look forward to reading more from you in the future. Happy reading and writing!


    1. I look forward to perusing your site often too, with the time it takes to write and all, I tend to be only managing to get to blogs every two or three days but I am hoping to keep consistent in my reading and commenting.

      I try and keep the reviews varied…or not if my category numbers are anything to go by but i am hoping to cover all the genres more thoroughly, but I do have a number of classics coming up as well.


  17. Hi Ste J,

    Hope everything is going well with you. I would like to ask you to read and review my book called Rise From The Ashes: Lena’s Story. I can email you both .epub and .mobi files to ensure that you will have no problem downloading my ebook. If you prefer a hard copy of the book, I can also send it to you. The book is available in Amazon Kindle and the link is provided below. Here are the details about me and my book.

    Book Title: Rise From The Ashes: Lena’s Story
    Publisher: Laura Franklin; 2013
    Genre: Fiction/Science Fiction/YA Adventure
    ISBN: 978-1483972336
    ASIN: B00C1122BG
    Amazon link:

    About the Author: Laura Franklin is a writer from Nebraska. She is happily married with 3 great dogs and has a background in Accounting and finance. A newbie in the world of writing and writing is just one of her passions.


    The Taliban have bombed the US with a chemical agent. It wiped out over half of the population and left the country in shambles. Those who are left find unexplained things happening like premonitions in their dreams and enhanced senses. Lena, a young woman from Vermont, and Mick, a young man in the US Army, grow close and become leaders as they trudge north to meet up with a military camp at Lake Champlain. Their dreams continue to get more peculiar and have even synced up in a historical setting. With the power out and gasoline a scarce resource; motorcycles, horses and bicycles have become the new mode of transport. In another group that is trying to survive, a priest leads discouraged parishioners north and is faced with tough decisions as he has to put the well-being of the group ahead of individuals. They have to band together to make it through this new chaotic situation, relying on their intuition and basic survival skills. This motley crew must reorganize the country just as was done after the revolutionary war. The clock is ticking as the persisting threats of the Taliban, drug lords from south of the border and rival gangs across the country put US freedoms in jeopardy.

    Laura Franklin


    1. Greetings, I am very well,even better for your comment, It would be an honour to review your book, I shall be sending you an email in a minute to discuss further….Thank you for helping make Monday a day worth getting out of bed for!!!!


  18. Thank you very much for dropping by my blog and opting to follow it. The more whimsy the better; I look forward to catching up on your back blog catalogue =)


    1. I will be a better follower as well, all it takes a couple of days off to feel so far behind with everyone’s words. I will be over to yours sometime later today. I shall also enjoy reciprocating in the back catalogue reading…


  19. I love your blog, and I can’t wait to start reading some of the books you’ve reviewed. I want to broaden my reading scope from mysteries to – who knows! Thanks for checking out my blog.


    1. Why thank you! I am honoured as always to get these awards…I hope your day has been as good as the last really good one you had.


    1. Hey, hey, I just went on bit of a downer for bit and wanted to compose my thoughts.. am back now and hopefully with a vengeance! Thanks for checking in my good friend and I hope all is well with you?


      1. To compose thoughts, eh??
        So I can expect some real words of wisdom spilling from your brainy cauldron soon, I suppose.
        All’s well this side, my friend. Moving to a new place so lot of work to take care of. And I started HYOS. Cant wait to delve and roll into it. But all other commitments are consuming most of my day and sane self.


        1. I hope I can come up with a few well put together sentences for you my friend. I do have a few ideas again, I didn’t for a while which worried me. I hate moving, all that stress when really what you want to do is read. OYoS is epic…so well written it’ll make you happy. I hope you get a bit of a chance to read it properly soon and can get all your moving done as quickly and stress free as possible!


          1. Yes, I hope so too. Perhaps, I could use your help a bit my friend by acquainting with your freshly painted canvas of thoughts to free myself from all the moving stress. What you been upto, lately, J?
            P.S.:I hardly expected you online at this hour but am so happy that you are.


            1. It’s only half seven at night here so for once we meet on here, it’s rare indeed. Always up for helping you, I am right ninja like that. I haven’t been up to a lot, had a night out two Friday’s ago and have been reading a little, adding a few notes to the blog drafts but generally not to much. I tend to have a phase of not doing a lot and then I will have a long phase of writing and ideas. I hope I’m on the edge of something good again!


              1. Yes, it is rare. It is quarter past 12 and time to put out the lights and snuggle into the blankets around here this time, except for owl people like me who remain awake to carry out regular literary chores
                ‘I hope I’m on the edge of something good again!’ – you bet, J. And even though there isn’t anything new, I never leave your space underachieved. I read your very many reviews and satiate myself but I look forward to new additions to the list nonetheless. What are you reading presently?


                1. At the moment I am reading Brazil by Michael Palin, well I say reading it, I haven’t actually picked it up since Monday. I am honoured that you keep coming back to look at my words…I have a lot of posts to catch up on, after my five days away including a few of yours. I always appreciate your constant inspiration as well, it always spurs me on to write more. I think going to bed is overrated when the ideas are flowing…I do enjoy your thoughtful and always enticingly written posts.


                  1. Thanks a heap, J. Your words have ignited that fire to try and write down something tonight. Hitting bed seems a distant thought now. Ill wait for your review on Brazil. I finished The Art of War today and oh! what a book! Have you read it?
                    You take care, J. And enjoy most of the break.
                    Have a crazy weekend!!


                    1. I haven’t read it, I am most excited to know what you think of it. Sleeping is rubbish, writing is better, go, go go!!!! I am giddy for words myself now hehe. Have a good one yourself my friend and I shall catch you soon for more wordage and awesomeness!!!!


  20. Hi Ste,
    I am writing to ask if you would review my e-novel: ‘Nightmares and Other Therapy’, to be published by Damnation Books in mid-September. It is not essential that the review be available before publication. I am happy to do an interview.
    D W Carver

    Blurb: Michael couldn’t understand the nightmares that made him violent on waking, mostly because he didn’t have the courage to think his problem through. Eventually, pressured into entering a mental hospital by his employers he thought that here he would find answers and a way to a better life. He was never more wrong.

    Comments about this story on the Authonomy site from time to time:
    You’ve created a good main character in Michael; he’s likable and sympathetic and the kind of character a reader wants to follow…..I found this book very compelling and feeling for Michael. He is such a character many readers could sympathize with…. What a moving portrayal of a man’s life…. Having got to the end of chapter three I am pretty upset and worried for him. This surely shows how good this is. His character has drawn me in….I really like the style and the characters, and there’s great sympathy when needed…Do finish this, please!….What a moving story. Poor Michael, I just want to give him a hug. I want this to work out right for him. Please post more, I need to know how it turns out, and make it a happy ending for him or I’ll be coming after you….


    1. Hey there! I would love to do a review, I’m always in the market for new and exciting ventures…recently I haven’t been on the blog much but I am getting back into from today so shall have a better hit ratio of late to maximise the number of viewers you get. I shall send you a Stemail post haste!


    1. Why thank you, it is an honour to receive it, I shall pop by soon and peruse your blog for I’ve been away a tad to long!


      1. You’re quite welcome. You haven’t missed much. I’m still bellyaching over things that just ain’t worth it. I just realized right now- that very statement, so maybe there will be a light at the end of the tunnel! Anyhow, I hope America is still treating you well and you are having quality time with your girlfriend and her family.


        1. There is always light, as long as the electricity bill is being paid…it is good that you have found it…if nothing else it will cut your electricity bills in half! I am glad you are putting the past behind you and getting ready for a whole slew of as yet unknown awesomeness. America is still treating me like a welcome foreigner lol, which is nice. It is quality time I’m having in all senses of the word, it has made me a more prolific blogger as well, interestingly.


          1. While the light isn’t quite so bright, hopefully my approach will be swift to it! Hey, we treat foreigners well! The illegals are getting healthcare, welfare, and driver’s licenses! LOL. I am glad you’re sponging up all the goodness! I will go peek at your blog!


  21. Great About Bit, Ste J 🙂 Like the Whimsy..that appeals to me! (as I am sure you are already quite aware). Is that a glass of Guinness I see at hand? I marvel you did not offer one for me 😦 (there goes that whimsy!) anywhoo, just sayin’ helloooo


    1. It is not Guinness, it is in fact John Smiths bitter…it mirrored my soul back in the day, ha! What is this whimsy that you speak of, I have not come across it, nor sarcasm.


          1. Sometimes I write it with, I mean I write it while nibbling popcorn, not actually write it with popcorn, as that would not only be messy, but somewhat inconceivable… 😉


  22. Steve, as you will see on my blog, I passed a Liebster nomination to you. 🙂

    Liebster Award

    You know how much I enjoy your reviews and musings – I need not to emphasize it, really..
    Anyway, if you don’t have an aversion to these award things, I would love to know your answers to the questions I listed..


    1. Why thank you so much, I am not usually one for accepting awards these days, however you do give me an idea for a post or two with this, I shall of course answer your questions and let you know when I have…I appreciate you thinking of me and for sending people my way, I shall return the favour in due course.


      1. Great! I’m anxious to read them!..

        I’m not the one for awards either, but since it came from a good source, with a set of questions that almost implored for reading suggestions – I had to give it a go..

        Don’t mention it.. Your time and comments are more than enough.


  23. Finally! some one to read those rubbish books for me, wish I’d known you when I was reading the Da Vinci Code. Though, I actually had a lot of fun bitching aloud at that ridiculous character, his silly outfits and the ludacris, bad guys, don’t tell anyone, ok?


    1. Great minds think alike, the Da Vinci Code is an easy target but that and Fifty Shades were two of my more ranty reviews that I did. I don’t aim to read bad books but I think sometimes it is nice to read a book we love to hate.


  24. A really interesting blog! I am so glad Elizabeth has introduced you to me via her Blog Buddy post. I used to read all the time and have read many of the ones you have reviewed. I haven’t had time to read much for the past year sadly but I am hoping this is only a temporary state of affairs. I have over-full book shelves and stacks of books I have bought or been given that I haven’t been able to read yet. They stare at me dolefully and I have to rush out of the room before I feel too guilty.


    1. Hello there, thank you for the visit! I feel for you, it is sad to go through a spell of not having the chance to read, it feels like missing a friend. I know what you mean about unread books judging you, I like to look on the positive side though and think of the choice it gives us when do get back to reading. that’s what I tell myself anyway, it keeps me safe.

      Liked by 1 person

  25. Odd–I have been a follower for some time, yet WP apparently did some crafty stuff and removed the follow–that, or it’s those dratted gnomes mucking about again. Anyway, back on line and looking forward to getting your pithy posts once again.


    1. I noticed you had refollowed me the other day, the same thing has happened to me, luckily, I have everybody bookmarked so I don’t lose anybody. Glad you are back in the fold my friend.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, I’m not one for awards these days but as you have left some great questions I will answer them in my next post and name check you because I am an alright guy!

      Liked by 1 person

  26. Hey there Ste J! Just clicking around the blogosphere and commenting on blogs that I think are fun and interesting, and you’re one of them. October is my birthday month, so consider this an invitation to my month-long birthday party. Hope to see you over at That’s So Jacob sometime!


    1. I shall come over and bring a bottle with me, I may even share it as well. Thanks for stopping by and having a wander round.


  27. Hi there! I just found your site here on wordpress and I already love what you have up. I love reading too and I like browsing around to find blogs to read. If you don’t mind, could you have a look at mine too? I’m fairly new here and I would love to hear feedback from as many people as possible. Thanks so much!


    1. I hope to do something professional within the industry one day and if anybody is impressed with my blog/portfolio, I will take a job!


    1. Greetings, always good to have a chat with new people, today happens to be the 28th and 8 minus 2 is six so perhaps it is handy that I only saw this )and 24 other comments today).


  28. Your blog looks exquisite. It is so organized and attractive. It may be one of my top favs! WOW! You must spend hours. It takes so much time to read and review. Very impressive.:)


    1. Thank you and welcome. On average I tale between 1 1/2 to 3 hours to write a post, up to four hours visiting blogs which I do twice a week plus answering comments as well. It does take a lot of my time up but when not doing that I am reading (unless work gets in the way). Things would be really complicated if I had a social life haha!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That is a ton of time. You are such a handsome young man, though, you should have a social life! I’m surprised some lovely bloggerette hasn’t chased after you! You seem to be a remarkable person! 🙂 Have a great weekend, Ste J! 🙂


        1. That photo is on of the few I accept as a decent one, I don’t feel very photogenic but will quote your comment to everybody I see now so thank you! I do my best to get out but it is invariably with a book but that is what people come for mostly (when I’m not writing my travel posts, of course). Bloggerette, I like that term and I apprecuate the remarkable person comment, I am just trying to get by and write some good posts and explore the world of my fellow bloggers, it’s wonderful to be able to meet so many wonderful people. I hope your weekend is treating you well too!

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Thanks Ste J. Our little town had a car show this weekend, which I worked, so it was fun and busy, and very hot. I’ll be writing about it soon. Have a great week. I’ll be on the lookout for the perfect bloggerette for you. 🙂 Matchmaker Marsha 🙂


  29. hi 🙂 it was really nice to discover your blog! I love books and I totally understand and share your enthusiasm!! you´ve read a lot and I´m sure you can help me to find new interesting novels to read. regards PedroL


    1. Always happy to share good book ideas, I wish I had the time to review all the books I have read but there are plenty more coming up in the next few months.

      Liked by 1 person

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