8 Replies to “Thoughts on synchronicity, Elizabeth Lesser’s book “Broken Open,” and a poem inspired by two near-autodidacts”

  1. Thanks for reblogging my post, Ste J, and even more for thinking it worthwhile to do so. You are one of those people for whom meditation is doing, and doing is meditation, as you explore your surroundings and hike up spiritual mountainsides of the mind as well as of the earth!


    1. I read meditation as medication first, I like both. Your posts are always thought provoking and I always know I’ll learn something and be inspired to read more when popping over to your place. I do love a mountainside of both the real and spiritual (although I am not sure if that is the right word, perhaps it is though), how I wish there was more time to learn and experience everything.


      1. When I think of you and spirit, I think first of your openness to experience. Probably no one can achieve anything spiritual in the genuine sense without that openness, that willingness to be a sounding board for universal rhythms. Kudos on all the photos and posts of travellng. It helps all of us that you can share them, too.


        1. Experience is always exciting, I can understand people who wish to stay in their comfort zone as I like to do that some of the time but I want to have stories to tell, things to muse upon and ultimately to write about. I love sharing and reading the thoughts of others and if they recommend a book based on any adventures I have or other books I read, then that just fuels the fire and that is fine with me.


          1. I probably would be having a better, or at least an easier, time with my attempts to find a new spiritual perspective if I travelled, as you do. Going somewhere physically often moves one’s psyche in non-physical ways. But, being as I and my kitty are stay-at-homes these days, we’re making do with other currents, I with what I can read or watch, she with tin foil balls and ping pong balls.


            1. Perhaps it would encourage new perspectives if you swapped books and TV for ping pong, and tin foil balls, just a thought…

              Often when I travel my fear is, what have I missed back home? Things that could be hidden in plain sight always worry me, being a completist. Sometimes I just take a wander on one of the street view apps and imagine what it must be like there for real. I like to travel this way to obscure little towns in say, Paraguay just to see how it really is there.


              1. Very funny, my friend. After all, though, when she plays with ping pong balls, so do I, because I throw them for her, and hide them under the rug so that she can wiggle and then pounce and knock them out, and etc. On the other issue, I can remember when I told my brother and nephew about a little town in Ireland that they were going to visit, and they got it on Google. When I looked at it, it looked nothing like what I recalled. Of course, a good 39 years or so has passed since I was there, but still, I expected something to look the same!


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