25 Replies to “Of Love and Other Sicknesses”

  1. Very quizzical….How’s about expanding on these thoughts? In, for example, second, third, and fourth stanzas? I somehow think you have more to say….?….


  2. Strychnine is quite the vocabulary word! Such an interesting word choice for this poem… I agree with Shadowoperator — I wish you’d expand a little more and let me in on the thoughts going on in your brain!


    1. Perhaps another time, although when I penned it I did consider it finished and I am not usually in the habit of being so succinct.


    1. Thank you my friend! I am so happy you like it, I’m not anywhere near your level of skill but it is good to mix it up from a book review and keep you guessing to what’s coming next.

      Liked by 1 person

        1. It’s less putting myself down and more of an observance on my skills so far but it is does encourage me to push myself relentlessly in all my writings and wandering around such blogs as I regularly visit certainly gives me much to help me become better (although this sentence is a long meandering one so doesn’t count). My mixing bowl is filling up as we speak.


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