Painting With Words


Painting with words is easy.

For you, it is innate

broad brushstrokes slashed across new canvas

bringing people into your thoughts, your heart

The most intimate touch of oneself on others.


Glorious words are the medium with which you paint

your love, on the pure and powdery white of the paper.

The sound of the brush, the friction with the yielding surface, the curves,

the nuanced magic of mind and hand connected,

The mysteries solved, the enigma remaining.


Lines defining thoughts and feeling,

delineating between fading and brightening of images

shading so perfect as to tint your readers’ heart

Sending it through the cosmos to us denizens of your wondrous kingdom.

41 Replies to “Painting With Words”

    1. Thanks! that’s another one I wrote a while back and have only just unearthed it. it wasn’t what I was going to publish but it pleases me that you like it.


        1. Ah that always reminds me of that Doctor who episode…I ought to get around to planning those posts as well for the 50th. I don’t think I have anything else to publish that I have forgotten about. I wish I could draw as well though.


          1. Yeah, I wish I could. I have been lucky with one picture I drew, I think I will stick to the images in head that the drawings are supposed to come out like


    1. I’m not sure where the poet part of me comes from…I think it is a ninja as I can never get a hold of it when I want it. I am glad you like it, as ever I had a very good muse.


  1. I fell in love with painting….I can’t paint to save my life! Lol

    What a beautiful and romantic poem. Ahhhh! I just made Lamb casserole…Want some? 🙂 I hate eating alone, it’s the worst part about being single. Lol Nite from OZ. Paula xx


    1. I can’t paint either, it is a bit wonderful…sometimes you just have to share something wonderful.

      I do like to show off my sensitive side sometimes, I would love some lamb casserole. I know what you mean about eating alone…I like to retreat into my head though, that makes me happy. xx


      1. Art always its composition just like art never..use words..the art speaks to your hear-t deep


    1. Thanks. it’s very rare I get reblogs so it’s always nice when someone feels moved to do so…it’s such a tight knit community here I often find myself sat on some random bloggers knee!


    1. Why thank you! The picture wasn’t anything like I wanted it to be but I came across it and couldn’t resist…it was either that or writing a whole other post just to put the picture in that but I was Mr Impatient and decided it had to be published right away. If I hadn’t I knew I would be waking up at three in the morning in a cold sweat having dreamt someone else put it on a blog first and then having to go around hundreds of blogs to see if it were true…I’m like that sometimes!


  2. I absolutely *love* when you share your creative writing side!!! Never have I read such an exquisitely evocative description of writing…this is pure and proper divine enchantment…making me anticipatious to find my muse again so I can write(paint) with my palette of words… xxxxx


    1. yes, hunt the blighter out and flex it taut and write like a lady possessed…in a good way that is. Of course the above words are all your fault, for making a chance allusion in a chat long ago…March, I believe, which makes you my muse so congratulations your stuck with the title now, ha! xxxxx


    1. For some reason I found your comment in my spam bin annoyingly enough so apologies for the late reply. I got the idea of painting with words from a snippet of conversation with fellow blogger and all round top lady Christina, so I can’t take full credit for the concept. You are right though, to evoke an image and a feeling from something that isn’t visual and sometimes not even tangible is an epic thing when you consider it.


    1. Christina came up with the idea inadvertently mentioning it in conversation and my eyes glazed over and I knew I had to write it down and follow up on the idea. I love that we all see the same black on white words and everyone has a different concept of what they see and feel from them…it’s so individual and of course gives us a lot to chat about as well.


      1. It is wonderful. Besides bringing the magic of painting, of words and cosmos I especially like your perceiving poetry as ”the most intimate touch of oneself on others”.


        1. That was a line I was not expecting to write…it just came up on me like I don’t know what…it’s spending all my time with you guys you are inspiring me to greater things.


          1. ‘came upon me like I don’t know what’ – upon reading these words I got a cheerful picture of you being struck by them and left all in wonder and awe. (:
            It is highly amusing and interesting how our brains envision descriptions and scenes we read..


            1. Each person’s uniqueness makes a book or a piece of creative writing something vastly different and I don’t think any other medium can offer such an intimate connection. I feel privileged that words come and find me when I demand them.


      2. I knew it was Christina that inspired your creative writing! I remember you telling me a while back you were in to reading but not writing (well other than reviewing)


  3. You possess an amazingly extensive palette of words Ste J. I am anxious to see the colorful images you create with this newfound poetry.


    1. I have got a line which I want to use as a starter for another piece but not sure how to frame it yet…ideas for my own stuff don’t come as easily to me as opinions formed from books but I shall persevere because I am awesome.


    1. with such wonderful writers around me, my level of writing has got better…a pat on the back to you and all the other wordsmiths here is long overdue.


    1. I haven’t written any poetry for a while but it is on the list…I have a big list. I appreciate your encouragement…I hope I can feel more confident with my poetry soon.


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