Decisions, Decisions…

ap1 Greetings my fellow wordsmiths, just a short post today as in my infinite wisdom I have decided to move house before Christmas.  Well within the next 8-9 days to be precise, I decided this yesterday.  What’s Christmas without stress? This way I get to feel more ‘seasonal’ than usual, you should all try it, honest.

So naturally instead of getting my stuff all packed away to move out, or move in depending on your point of view, I have somewhat predictably been sat down perusing reading matter.

My somewhat obscure choice of fun reading material is an issue of Amiga Power from 1991.  I am nothing if not old skool.  I would have gone further back into the archaic world of the 8-bit machines but they were even further down the pile and Saturday’s are made for laziness.

The problem is which books to take first, treasured favourites or new potential worlds of letters that will make me happy?  Clothes, furniture and all that can take a backseat until I sort out my necessities for life.

I best go and make a start as it will take a long time, but I shall be in touch with you guys soon and catch up with all your posts, until then, have a good ‘un.

30 Replies to “Decisions, Decisions…”

  1. Hope your move goes smoothly! I’ve moved many times in my life but never right before Christmas. I love that your priority is reading material 🙂


    1. It is the one thing my life seems to revolve around so until I pick the books, everything just stays where it is. I don’t think smooth is an option for me lol.


  2. Merry Holidays & Happy Moving Season. “See” you when you get back!
    (BTW – just so you know – I did write down a couple of titles from books you wrote about on here. Will be ordering them this weekend for Christmas gifts! 🙂 )


      1. A Photographic History: From the Victorians to the Present Day – Nick Yapp for moi –
        which led to Eyewitness to World War II: Unforgettable Stories and Photographs From History’s Greatest Conflict for my son. And – He will also be getting The Second World War – Antony Beevor.


        1. Fantastic choices, I think for overall views of WWII then Beevor is probably the most comprehensive i have read. I will check out the second one if I see it, I’m not familiar with it but the search engine has found me a good few articles on it. I shall prepare some reviews to sort you out for next Christmas in a few weeks hehe.


    1. Not with all these books, magazines, football programmes, old newspapers, graphic novels and all the rest of it. Clothes wise I will be light though.


    1. I hope so, I plan to do a lot of distraction free writing and there is something else that may be an interesting oppurtunity but i can’t go into that yet until it is confirmed…ooo the mystery!


        1. I shall attempt to make it dramatic, there will be shadowy figures, women in corsets fainting and possibly a humourous interlude where an innocent man and a gangster pick up each other identical brief cases.


    1. Having poked all my stuff with a stick it may be to much for me to bother with, so if you fancy popping over that would be nice. I shall miss our time together for a bit but shall endeavour to keep getting on as much as I can. After all your words need reading.


    1. You are to kind, I thank you for the award, i shall keep up the standards set, except at the moment when i am being a bit of a rubbish blogger post wise. It’ll be a different type of Christmas but should be fun. Christmas with your parents is great though, all those family traditions, you can’t beat them!


      1. You deserve it, of course. I will be looking forward to read your acceptance post. 🙂 I haven’t experienced a Christmas without my parents, but I know in the future I must do it. Oh, I daresay it is very difficult to break family traditions!


        1. I shall put it on the list of drafts to complete, I think blogging is going to be my most stressful part of Christmas, well finding the time that is, but I will persevere somehow. You are welcome around mine for a mince pie, if you ever find yourself in this part of the world.


          1. Hmm. I share the same sentiment that is why I am beginning to schedule posts for those days that I will definitely get busy. Well, one advantage of having living with my parents with helpers is I don’t need to do house chores! I am busy just because I am! Anyway, I would love a mince pie, though how I can get it? I hope my wings will be fully recovered so I can fly there. 🙂


    1. Thanks! I have run out of boxes so I will be moving all the books in more gradually and then there are the magazines which will take a good while as well. I hate parting with all the stuff I have accumulated so end up hoarding everything, purely for the excuse that one day I may want to reference a certain article. It is only now i am starting to realise how much i have got and with regret am culling a few things. I still have loads for reviews though so this makes me happy.


  3. Thanks for the stop by and follow–I’m surprised you have the time with the move! Have I added you to the roster of Book Boosters? You obviously must join the rest of us bibliophiles.
    Happy moving,


    1. I’m not on the list but would love to join and get into some fascinating conversations with you all. Anything bookish makes me happy, that and a hot dog, that would be my perfect day combining those two.


      1. Books and hot dogs. How do you read without mustard spotting the pages? 🙂 And I will get on it and add you on the list. You will enjoy checking out all the other wonderful bookish folk.


        1. I’m familiar with a few on the list already, I see i am in good company so thanks for the add. Avoiding mustard stains is one of my few talents, although mainly I trust to luck and find a quick wrist is a must for keeping those pages pristine.


    1. Decorating? Sounds like work, I’m banging the book cases up against the walls straight away to avoid painting. Books will be the only thing on show, everything else is going in a drawer. I shall probably take some photos when everything is crammed in.


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